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Everything posted by new_disease

  1. No one cared who I was until I put on the mask edit: I like this reply better that whatever I typed before
  2. They're after my lucky charms
  3. Very neat! 🤓
  4. Damn I'm sorry. I know the feeling, it's awful.
  5. In any normal not pandemic time I'd probably buy that out of impulse
  6. They'll be back at the end of the year to set up the sequel to 2020
  7. I also haven't shaved in a few weeks. Might just stay winter ready all year long And I too wonder how those youtubers do it. They have mad skills
  8. After being on the old boards since 2006 and however long I've been here, I guess I'll finally post in one of these pic threads and show myself. Plus Idk what else to do today I already got my groceries. My other crown is off being polished to glisten in the summer sun. I like this photo better
  9. Oh yeah i forgot about that my love for amazons would save me or kill me by snu snu i'm fine with either
  10. I knew my love for amazons would save me one day 😚
  11. 😉
  12. All amazonians are great 😌
  13. I predicted this years ago but nooo, it's just the ramblings of a sexy man on shrooms they said
  14. I also make my return here and already you start calling me betch 👿
  15. The only one doing the gracing is you right now 😌
  16. So so. Stayin sexy, being not weird.
  17. OR was it not enough
  18. Nice. Enjoy it 😎 I remember my second job I had to get up at 1 am to arrive at work at 2 and work til 11, sometimes til 1 or 2 pm if we were busy enough. Getting the overtime pay was good but the sleep schedule sucked.
  19. Awesome thanks! I've been using youtube videos so far and even on the videos where they purposely go slow and they finish something simple like a flower in 10 minutes it takes me nearly an hour. But I'm slowly getting it. You should definitely do those videos, I'd watch them and learn
  20. Time to get back at your phone and wake it up when it's trying to charge
  21. It's in a better place now
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