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Everything posted by new_disease

  1. idk the japanese work in mysterious ways
  2. then that pupper is japanese
  3. now you're freaking me out ::spin::
  4. did you go to the bad taco bell? this is why you should go to the one thats farther away.
  5. yes it is. thats why i never make them -_'
  6. I'd say to keep up with vietnamese anyway, that way you can pick up some words and can know if they ever make fun of you. From what I've done it seems similar, but still I'm not a native speaker so I'm not 100% sure. -_' try writing all the characters a bunch of times so they stick to your memory. couldn't hurt, and maybe it will help
  7. new_disease


    i could use some money saving maybe i'll ditch my plan too
  8. too legit to quit
  9. this is not what i was expecting
  10. Probably isn't certain enough. Do this and find out exactly how much it takes It's for science
  11. I've never seen a Dairy Queen where I live so don't know about there's. How about, Ben and Jerry's. thats the only brand I can think of. and, a lot of it. Enough for you to eat a bunch on a day you don't do anything, to the point where you begin to hate the ice cream, but you keep eating it because it's tasty
  12. Nope I don't even regular post for an entire day
  13. go long enough to make money for ice cream then leave early and buy ice cream
  14. I only recently found out about that folders existence even then i cant see it, so idc about it. let it fizzle
  15. new_disease


    I'm going to bet money on this horse now
  16. haven't seen his, so I don't agree for now. maybe
  17. 27% is good. keep it up! I tried Spanish on there too to brush up on mine, even tho its my first language i've forgotten a lot since i don't speak it much. only with my parents and extended family, but i don't see them much. The Spanish on duolingo is Spaniard so it's a little different from what we speak south of the border. Not much, but some words differ. Also I didn't know that about the Vietnamese part of the app, I hope my Portuguese sentences aren't wonky. And don't give up, by the end, you'll count like a native Japanese 8)
  18. idk if i can wait. i might jump ship to iphone
  19. maybe this was a scam to get you to fail on purpose so they can fire you
  20. Maybe they recently added it. I know they added some new ones since I first downloaded the app
  21. Ooh I'm doing Portuguese on that I learned some japanese counting from that chinpoko mon South Park episode :poop: ichi, ni, san, shi
  22. No. Well, twice
  23. The skeptic in me got a slap in the face that night Now I feel I must rethink some things -_'
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