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Everything posted by new_disease

  1. did you go get fast food or something? These days I ask for no ice and just put in a couple ice cubes when I get home. what they consider "light ice" is still a lot 😤
  2. I will be soon. One shot done
  3. can I use a crazy straw
  4. it's one of life's greatest mysteries
  5. Maybe so. But I won't talk shit on the book because it was the inspiration for the great Emma Stone film, Easy A
  6. I can tell you what it is. Lemme put a spoiler in case you want to keep it a mystery
  7. Learn something from Family Guy and get yourself a Japanese girl
  8. Ok cool because this thread made me think of this video and now I'm debating throwing in a couple tenjamins. damn it. the video is age restricted but this lady got her bhole tattooed
  9. does that include where it goes? or only the design
  10. new_disease


  11. Happy birthday 🥳
  12. 400 cheaper is also nice. But don't you want to 1up me and have that THIRD camera in the back? 👀 and be able to flex that camera at the airport and everywhere else like a bad bitch
  13. See now you have to do it. Show them you're serious with your three cameras. Do it, do it now
  14. I didn't even know she was married
  15. yes do it. i bought the regular 12 so you need to get the fancier version. and yes also whip it out. but only if it's like in the t-mobile stores here where they make you sign for the new phone purchases on their tablet things. that way you can just whip it out and sign your name with your junk.
  16. I'll do that so I can yell at Del Taco leadership to bring back their shrimp & papas meal. I loved getting that. also how dare they question your ability to blow your load over a bitches face
  17. instant ramen with some ritz crackers afterward
  18. that's why you gotta make things interesting rather than just plainly shaving. if I have the time I'll shave so it's like a forced perspective thing
  19. Same, everything sucks so why not. but I like jazz so I'll throw in some jazz too
  20. I've learned to play the piano, guitar, and bass. I can also do one song each on the harmonica and ukelele, but because of that I don't really like to add those to the list of instruments I can play. And as a kid I learned the clarinet but that skill is long forgotten.
  21. asking the real questions
  22. I did have one as a teen. I dont remember what happened to it
  23. Idk what that is I'd say turkey. Ham is the real thanksgiving food. Ham and mashed potatoes with gravy
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