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Everything posted by new_disease

  1. Or don't, it doesn't matter I've got class in 6 hours but can't sleep. I figured I'll finally record and post this since I owe @discole monade proof I've actually been getting back into it after my too long of a break from music. Still very rusty so it's not perfect. The whole song is very repetitive so I didn't see the point in paying $6 for the sheet music. I played the one free page which basically just repeats itself. Also recording this while playing was harder than I thought it would be. and I realized I played a measure once more than I should've but fuck it I don't want to do it over again
  2. Baseketball is a good movie My pick is Idle Hands, I love that movie. I wish I could've been there when the idea for it was pitched
  3. Yeah Peter Weller! I'll add that movie to my list of things to watch My familiarity with Star Trek is with the newer movies, which I enjoyed. The cast is too great for me to hate on those films
  4. Same. I used to be able to sleep on my back as a kid, but now I can only sleep on my sides
  5. Yup! It was. See I didn't forget those words of wisdom. Also this robot talk reminds me, I haven't seen Robocop either. I want to though, I just haven't gotten around to it. I like the actor in it
  6. I'm ready for bed is how I am. But don't want to actually sleep til at least midnight
  7. Cool I didn't know that the amount they usually give me is enough though I end up keeping the packets stored in my fridge until I remember they're there and I throw them out
  8. Weird, every taco bell I've been to gives me a fist full of the sauce packets
  9. Time to get the blowtorch ready
  10. Oh another one I haven't seen is The Truman Show. I've heard enough about it to get the gist of the movie but it doesn't really interest me. I love Jim Carrey though
  11. Someone else here told me I should at least watch the first 2 Terminator movies and ignore the others. I might do that during winter break
  12. Any of the terminator movies also forrest gump, kind of. I've seen clips of the really well known parts like the part with all the shrimp but I've never sat down to watch the movie in its entirety
  13. Ooh good point I think that could be possible. And that thought makes my mind go dark. Like depending on how bleak it is in the world, if some people's immune systems beat it and they're ok; I'd imagine anyone with the resources and means to develop any kind of treatment could be driven to the point of keeping people like that by force if need be in order to do what needs to be done. And yeah that's true. I never kept up with it recently but I think in The Walking Dead there was someone like that, who amputated but in the end he still ended up turning. I could be mistaken though, it's been a while.
  14. Mhmm too quick isn't as scary to me. I think I'd go as far as 2 weeks but anything more than I'd think that gives one enough time to fully go through the stages of grief and accept their fate so that wouldn't be as scary in the end for the one that was bitten. I'd say they could have a chance, depending on where they get bit they could fight it off through amputation or maybe even just excising the part of the flesh that was bitten. But for the excisions that would be assuming that you get clear visual cues of how far the infection is currently, like if the flesh starts turning a different color or starts oozing or something.
  15. I'd guess maybe a day, up to a week depending on the health of one's immune system to delay the spread of the infection. Plus I think that would make it a little scarier. Long enough for you to still chug along while slowly getting worse and worse, knowing the end is near. Wondering if you should end it now, or if you're with a group if you should wait for you to turn so you won't be mentally self aware while they take you out.
  16. I'm sure it does. They're so cute but that's concentrated evil that plops out
  17. I used to have a roommate with a kitten. Kitten/cat poo smelled way worse than the dogs
  18. I've never had Bk's since I didn't know they had spicy nuggets but I like the ones from Wendy's. They're not that spicy to me but tasty I'll probably try the McDonalds ones. If they're good it'll save me from having to drive to the one Wendy's that's in my city
  19. I know/knew people that are exactly like that. I don't get how they don't see that being fans of those racist internet personalities can affect how people think of them. But please do. He seems like the kind who could easily snap and go postal.
  20. is that part of a ritual to have a dream about oreos
  21. He misses out on one party and he thinks his life is over, fuck that don't check up on him. Handle what you need to do for you. If you keep checking up on him the dude will be like an anchor and end up bringing you down That might be a bit of a platitude but I can't think of any other way to word it
  22. yes
  23. new_disease

    You up?

    Only a blanket wrapped around me. It's a comfy 75 degree night, clothes would throw off the perfect temp my body is feeling right now And glasses too if that counts
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