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Everything posted by new_disease

  1. Yes, everyday this week
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. One day I will. One day
  4. go full on super evil, not just evil-er
  5. May he never learn such an act 😢
  6. My little sister is already getting sassy and it hurts my feels a few months ago i saw her on her phone and innocently asked if she was playing minecraft she looked at me and rolled her eyes and told me nobody plays that anymore, she's playing something called robloks. the eyeroll hurt 😢
  7. It will work out if you frame them back a double frame
  8. but then you'll be in trouble and your not-in-trouble streak is over
  9. what if someone frames you and you get in trouble
  10. This could probably count as horror such a thing is horrifying
  11. my guess would've been admiral ackbar
  12. Yeah there's something very smarmy about him
  13. i did not know this, but fuck that guy
  14. brutalivory x_hypocrite_x Those two are the ones I probably miss the most
  15. King of the Hill S8 ep 1 Brad Pitt is a guest star in this episode
  16. Oh yeah that's true, damn. Packets are free, never mind.
  17. Beyond Meat is one of them, they're the ones with product in Carl's Jr and Del Taco. Impossible Foods is another, Burger King offers an impossible burger with their meat alternative. I don't think they're public yet, but it might be good to keep an eye out in case they decide to go public anytime soon. The others are regular beef companies that are getting into the plant based meat thing too because of their popularity. So maybe look up Tyson and Kellogg too. edit. I found this website if you want to browse through https://vegfaqs.com/vegan-companies-to-invest-in/#:~:text=Unfortunately%2C there's no Gardein stock,some vegan%2C some not).
  18. Go to a grocery store and buy the bottles No more sad amounts of packets
  19. Probably because of how silly it is compared to other games If I could play it on my laptop I'd probably buy it
  20. Close! kinda. In a weird way probably.
  21. After messing around too much in community college I'm now 2 semesters away from getting my Bachelor's in Science. Assuming I don't fail anything but still, only 9 more classes to go
  22. Companies producing alternatives to meat might do good, that seems like an expanding market seeing as how Carl's Jr, Burger King, and Del Taco now offer items with the vegetarian meat
  23. This guy knows what’s up 😏
  24. couldn't tell if the first upload worked so uploaded to youtube
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