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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. I would say 5 or a 6. Not super clean but passed quickly enough. Size was ok but nothing to write home about.
  2. Sieg67


    You're a loose cannon, Ghost.
  3. Sieg67


    It's probably just from being misquoted and parodied so much. Kinda like how a lie become truth if you repeat it enough.
  4. Sieg67


    That'll teach you for poisoning the waterhole.
  5. Sieg67


    I do not wish to engage in fellatio. I don't swing that way, brah. Also those multiple Ds at the beginning makes me imagine Yu Gi Oh saying it.
  6. Sorry bro, I think she's cheating on you.
  7. Sieg67


    Turn in your baddddge.😠
  8. Our lord and savior Gabe Newell. May thou be blessed with high frames.
  9. justlistentotherythemofmyheart.
  10. Knew somebody was going to mention that but no. There would be no point because I'm alive now.
  11. The thought of not existing for me is terrifying. Your body may become other things but death is permanent. Even if you believe in reincarnation, what's the point if you don't remember your previous lives? Your memories is what makes you, you.
  12. The umbrella -ella-ella.
  13. *Alludes to Southpark*
  14. I'm amazed that this hasn't reached the top of the charts. Beautiful, soulful, and lyrically brilliant. A song that transcends time, language and culture. There shall never be another like it.
  15. I can't eat Phillip. I'm not a monster.
  16. I don't believe we have that technology. We need to get our scientist right on that.
  17. Communism.
  18. It's Phillip.
  19. Leaving devices plugged in all the time is bad for the battery. I recommend taking the battery out if you're able.
  20. You haven't been throwing your controller around have ya?
  21. Amusingly enough, my computer installed an update when I went to shut it down last night.
  22. Oh, so it's you who smells really bad today. I'm j/k.
  23. That would be gas and I think it's harmless since it escapes the water before you drink it.
  24. Imagine I don't want too.
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