The problem with One Piece in the US is that it never got the chance to be as popular here as Naruto or Bleach because of 4Kids. That was the window where it could have come in and been more successful had it launched on Toonami or even Disney XD. Launching it on 4KidsTV set it back hard. Add into the fact that multiple arcs were skipped between the end of 4Kids and the beginning of Toonami's run. It just never got launched properly the way that Bleach and Naruto did.
Why would One Piece have to be on HBO? Unless you mean budget because there's literally nothing in One Piece that would be censored on primetime basic cable. And Game of Thrones is sacrificing episodes to sped more per episode so they'd have to completely change the story or it would take literally a decade for them to even anywhere.
Right? I mean he couldn't use his quirk to help like some could, but it was well established that training with All Might got Izuku pretty jacked. Like he should have held his own in most stuff and then at least middle of the pack.
Really my issues with Mineta are... how the fucking hell did he end up in the hero class? Like how did he get ANY points in the entrance exam? He's fucking useless for offense.
It's a bit odd that Papa Dino would let Ash be so friendly with the cops, but I suppose given how connected he is that it doesn't matter.
Poor Skipper.