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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. Might be the worst thing I've ever heard.
  2. I humbly request you change your avatar to the picture of you with a silver face and no irises.
  3. Yeah I don't drink that much anymore. This is another thing I'll leave to the younger generation. @JeNewBee
  4. I don't have an answer for you, but I've never seen anyone dry hump a tree that smells like an old toilet.
  5. Good question. That stuff was cedarwood. I smelled like an empty cigar box. I am on a constant quest for better deodorant because I used to finish work smelling better than this, dammit.
  6. How Zoidberg killed the first crew, mating season, the 300 dollar bill episode...
  7. I always wanted to smell like fragrant wood with BO.
  8. I was in jail and stopped reading Catcher in the Rye with about 20 pages to go and I don't care. Holden fucking sucks.
  9. Some might even say it's a slight improvement on that idea.
  10. Well there's a thing they do, if they see a person in trouble being a good scientologist means immediately trying to help. I might have heard Tom Cruise describe this even. If you're driving and see a car broken down on the side of the road you stop and see if they need help, because what if you're the only help that comes. I can't remember the whole mindset behind it but it was an odd thing to instill in people I thought. I read and watched a ton about scientology some time ago.
  11. It allowed enough people to get together and decide being digested is sexy. How can you be against that?
  12. @ghostrek ALSO COCKS.
  13. And the weird part is Scientology is why he's like that. He gets a special Scientology reserved for A list celebrities.
  14. It's a quantitative metric that can be tracked somewhat reliably. It looks dumber because we live longer. To arms!
  15. A while back I saw each generation scores about ten points higher on IQ tests than the previous. I think we might be in for a fifty point jump in 3 to 5 generations.
  16. I started thinking about the design when I was 18, so legally adult years.
  17. I spent two years thinking about my first tattoo, so lol at you. And yes, being an adult means thinking about bills and dumb shit. I'd rather think about tacos.
  18. Why are you making me look up words? Those people are fine, everyone is awful. Excluding me.
  19. People should listen to this whole thing because it is hilariously brilliant.
  20. I always know I'm doing a good job when I'm not on the internet.
  21. If it is a speed run. But yeah I forgot about that for a bit cause I've seen some people dominate Mario in ways I can't understand. Given the crazy jumps it probably is tool assisted and it seemed like a few times the shell bounced off the screen edge. If that shell juggling trick works for infinite flight that's crazy though. More than slightly game breaking if you can juggle.
  22. I was on probation when I started. I was watching AS and I had an online game I played and I can get into forums. And I needed to do something to keep myself from going out all the time.
  23. Happy birthday, sir.
  24. That technical tag is not a joke. I can't even figure out how to start some of those levels.
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