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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. How did I miss the opportunity to post this?
  2. I'll have to keep that in mind. I work in a controlled environment so oil builds up on my face throughout the day at work. Washing my hands and rinsing with hot water tends to keep it under control, nut i still get zits that pop up now and then. Nothing like before I figured out it was the room making me break out, I got these disgusting painful zits that extruded nothing but oil when I popped them. Nasty business.
  3. I'm excellent ghostrek. Thanks for asking.
  4. That's an ugly watch.
  5. Makes me wonder what happened. Damn. Jiro was quality people.
  6. The thing that interests me is that if he didn't play bass for Iron Butterfly I might have never heard of him.
  7. It's amusing how many humans hold on to a need for opposition.
  8. I actually enjoyed some of his stand up. Sandler I don't remember being very interesting as a stand up, he was definitely more of a clown.
  9. Tesla thought you could transmit electrical energy through the air. It makes sense when you think about it, there's a huge amount of potential energy everywhere, it's just disordered. Doing that would be a massive blow to the world economy. A car would literally run on nothing. It would just run.The vastness of the impact to the world is incalculable in a lot of ways.
  10. Those cops are looking for better jobs. This is actually 10 minutes, it repeats for some reason. Welcome to the world.
  11. Scream something about trolls and grab her hand and run.
  12. He clearly fought to see that day. Human spirit and all that. I'm not good for condolences. I generally think of mourning as personal, but you've got mine.
  13. I'll admit to liking anything, but here is something uncharacteristic of me.
  14. Happy birthday to a person that somehow enjoyed the Buu saga.
  15. No, I'm stereotyping people terrified of their sexuality because they believe it to be wrong. Or know it to be wrong. How many gumball machines do you own?
  16. The very last time I did more than a small line of cocaine.
  17. Or a child molester. One of 'em.
  18. It looks like the abode of a man terrified of admitting he's gay.
  19. So now you're bragging about being a hoarder?
  20. There's a dead anti-Semite that would throttle you right now. So take that into consideration.
  21. The cops brought my sandals back and they lasted about twelve years.
  22. When I was fifteen I stole a bottle of vodka from a store by hiding it with my belt. The cashier yelled at me and I walked right out the door, some guy started to chase me so I kicked off my sandals and booked. Partially hurdled a car on an off ramp of a major street, ran across that street (it was late at night) and my friend picked me up on the other side of it. Unfortunately since he sped out of the parking lot when he saw me being chased someone got his plates and we ended up busted. I just got an 8 hour class and a shackle scare.
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