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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. It makes her money? Huh.
  2. Amusing costume for a proud virgin.
  3. Yeah, he needs it direct. You said he was creepy so I'll assume there's nothing about his personality that makes you want to continue talking to him, so no "Look, you're an alright guy but..." Lots of guys hunt lazily. Can't blame anyone though, the dating scene is awful. At least you know someone you work with has a comparable job and a bearable personality in public.
  4. Guys really just want to see every woman naked.
  5. Did you try anything like, "Look it isn't gonna happen so stop asking." Lots of guys are obtuse about subtle hints.
  6. I still haven't watched that. I think I was drinking when I turned it on but I remember switching to something with action very quickly.
  7. The ancient burner I had before the one I have now was capable of bluetooth.
  8. Wasn't the revival jam thing where every time a monster appeared on the field the dude had to draw cards, and his dragon automatically attacked any monster that appeared on the field and since the jam technically died and reappeared on the field it went into a loop until he ran out of cards? Can't remember who had what, I think this is how he won the dragon. But revival jam was the other guys card, I specifically remember that. Maybe a change of heart card? Can't remember that part.
  9. That involves tolerating another human's inane babble for longer than an hour. Fuck I'm not looking forward to dealing with people today.
  10. You need to show them how a fully grown alpha throws a chair. So do I. I want to buy a chair just to throw it and post the video.
  11. My "dear lord why am I still awake at 6 AM" pastime. This almost tempts me to pay for Netflix.
  12. Yeah, can Fist of the North Star be one? Maybe Desert Punk was comedy? I Wanna Be The Strongest In The World is pretty damn funny, because nobody talks about Sweet Diva like that. Oh my god, all the gifs on this page. https://aminoapps.com/c/anime/page/blog/wanna-be-the-strongest-in-the-world/N8tM_uWXjer11pp4DX8mrYYlxrBP3
  13. I had a text file on my old desktop, darn it. And how are people going to quickly access the knowledge that if your cock is stuck in a beer bottle you should use olive oil to help get it out.
  14. I refuse to simply edit my failure, also post count bloating.
  15. He's old enough that nothing matters anymore maybe. He had the Cosby Show analyzed by sociologists to make sure it only portrayed black people positively. That guy did everything he wanted and now he's old enough that none of it matters.
  16. The insert button does something?
  17. Know what, you gotta satisfy the EPA, so have people throw five gallon buckets of gelatin at you. It's enough to feel, not enough to hurt though.
  18. The phone I had then, and coincidentally the one I have now had 24 hour time options. I had two alarm clocks back then so I'd look at those and then check the phone to see what time it is.
  19. That sounds like it's for large children. Does Eric Clapton perform afterwards or something? If the first one to escape doesn't win $500 what's the point. It's good to see we're at the point in society where fantasy violence has become a profitable business model.
  20. Use 24 hour time if this happens often. I've tamed my insomnia to a degree so I haven't had a need to go back to it.
  21. You can't be real. And if you're real you're a pedophile.
  22. Everything you do has no point.
  23. And why is that a video in VLC? I couldn't hold a camera like that for 10 seconds.
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