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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. I'm an artist and life should be free.
  2. No, the people I fuck want to see me for long enough that doesn't happen.
  3. He's sad he told everyone he's a premature ejaculator.
  4. And I'm sure each pussy is aching for another average fuck and boring conversation.
  5. Sheeeeeeeit. I'm at work. Also I forgot to tell him I've heard about pitch meetings and to be prepared for hell. I'd feel bad but I just remembered that now.
  6. And he's really sad I can dig hard at his personality because the more this idiot talks the more I can dissect and pick at his corporate manufactured personality. Trademark Monsanto.This dude has none of your alpha moves Zeni. I'd say you should teach him some game, but I don't think this guy could afford the cover charge.
  7. Gnome would never have his signature.
  8. I just sharpened my work knife. Learning how to properly use a whetstone has been fun, and I'll never have a dull knife again.
  9. I slept pretty good the past two nights. All the overtime I've been working has been throwing off my rhythm so that's been pretty nice.
  10. You two... just fuck already Jesus.
  11. Or your local farmers market. Wealthy children really are the most fun to frighten.
  12. It would be nice to have my galactic migration theory thread so I could laugh at all astrophysicists. It was not entirely correct as I was ignorant of some aspects of space, but it was incredibly correct about 5 years before any of them even clued in. I just enjoy knowing I was right. Edit: If I'm lucky, Comrad_numbers I don't remember started that breakthrough. Best I could hope for, I remember discussing perspective with him.
  13. It's funny, your return has noticably ramped the activity of certain people. You know I'm here to make jokes, and you leave yourself so open so very often, but I'm going to agree with you that a lot of people here thrive on shitting on someone else. But! You are not devoid of blame. You roll in the same shit as the rest of them and love it. That's just my perspective on what this thread has become.
  14. I don't understand how someone could willingly do something so horrible.
  15. If I could give you kudos I would give you one. A like isn't the same. I might upboat too, unsure on that.
  16. I'm so glad I went back there and sent like three messages and never returned.
  17. Clearly an alpaca.
  18. Mike Tyson set a record in the Junior Olympics, which drug tested just like the Olympics did. He was a natural talent. You don't need a lot of motivation to keep being world famous at punching people off of the ground.
  19. I was gonna say no, but I actually have had a couple requests. And you're making me think you're weird because I thought it was kinda hot, but they didn't say they were gonna send a video of them fucking someone else. Which I would question as to why they thought I had any desire to see that. Maybe she wants to show off how she fucks? Should've just said, you can show that off with me. If you're just looking to get laid, that is.
  20. Literally anywhere. I go to the beach and there are women walking around trying to draw attention to themselves. You don't jog through a heavily trafficked pedestrian area unless you want people to notice you.
  21. It happens both ways, just rarer for women I suppose. My dad snatched up a 16 year old and never let her grow up. Edit: He was 21 of course.
  22. Not big on em, Bleach had a cool beginning. The filler is fucking outlandish. That last episode I watched I just wanted them to finish a fucking story. There were like three storylines going on for what I heard was because those parts weren't written yet, and I suppose waiting to make episodes is impossible. Meanwhile good completed manga just sits around.
  23. I was gonna say the guy with the spiked hair but then I realized that isn't very helpful when referencing anime.
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