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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. I see this thread hasn't moved on to blumpkins yet.
  2. This sounds like it's similar to carne asada fries here. What are they specifically? Cause carne asada fries don't really interest me, it's just fries with burrito filling on it. I'd rather have a California burrito with the fries in it.
  3. I don't remember this picture. And I'm not just trying to be contrary.
  4. I have also seen this picture before today.
  5. Happy Birthday you fucking dick.
  6. Quite. But there are cheaper areas in socal. Maybe even cheaper coastal areas.
  7. 70 degrees and a cool breeze here. I'm here to win the comfortable summer competition.
  8. Sounds like a group of fucking douchebags. Especially since it's in French.
  9. Happy birthday, I am super curious about the law enforcement inquiries.
  10. In meetings or other gatherings that have a definite end in a big room with more than ten people I tend to sit as close to the exit as possible so no one is in my way when I head for the door. In restaurants I like a booth, and for movie theaters I sit at home. I don't know why anyone would worry about foot traffic in restaurants. I'm not trading state secrets when I go out.
  11. I mean, given how I see the ultimate alpha warrior being attacked I figure the rein runs far longer than it did at Williams Street.
  12. I'm silently hoping for swords of revealing light.
  13. I think there was another person that needed a snare drum thrown at them but I can't remember who it was.
  14. Where's that gym pic, fat man.
  15. That was given herpes. He's dying to prove his manness now that everyone knows he cums in five seconds and becomes useless. Not all condoms are for chumps afraid of losing their hair, guy. https://www.target.com/p/durex-performax-intense-condoms-12ct/-/A-14790986?sid=2465S&ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&CPNG=PLA_Health+Beauty+Shopping_Local&adgroup=SC_Health+Beauty&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=c&location=9031341&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI07nI2urw2wIVybrACh2p6ArOEAQYBCABEgLuw_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds# Maybe you'll have a few less ex-girlfriends now.
  16. Stalker written all over him.
  17. I forget what the sad moments of that movie were. Typical kid's movie though.
  18. Golden State Alpha Male Warriors represent!
  19. I'm relatively certain it's in Seattle.
  20. More like five, and there are a lot of things coming down the pipe right now. You are talking about what will be the new one right? Or are they putting out a classic version to build excitement for it?
  21. Alright, not sure what exactly will be happening in my life around then so we'll see.
  22. Alright, but I think the only multiplayer games I have right now are Crimsonland and Double Dragon 5. I need to get Shaq Fu...
  23. That e-shop can get me sometimes. Really glad I bought Golf Story, I just wish it was longer.
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