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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. Dracula can transform into a bat and fly. All he has to do is wait until Godzilla is distracted and fly into his mouth and bite Godzilla's tongue
  2. Dracula has regeneration powers, so radiation is equivalent to being farted on.
  3. My dog is never that cute for a camera...
  4. It's close enough to make it a runner up in the "so bad it's funny" category
  5. The closer we look around our own planet, the more we seem to realize that our intelligence is not unique or special. Many factors which were previously espoused to separate humans from animals are behaviors we have since observed in animals, and, sometimes even plants. It would make sense for the grapes to have a way to prevent clusters from receiving too many or too few nutrients, greatly increasing the chances of a large number of grapes passing on their genes.
  6. Nope, tend not to ask people for anything. Neither a borrower or a lender be...
  7. Nobody chose to be born. Life a bitch, and then you die. If you're lucky and/or work hard for it, it can nice in there, too...
  8. All you can do is give someone a chance and hope they don't make you regret it. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, and you already fooled me.
  9. & it's all your fault! You'll never make it without us!
  10. That screw didn't stand a chance. Poorly designed cat tower house thing whatever you call them.
  11. No.
  12. You want to play music for a bunch of perverted naked old dudes?
  13. I go back to sleep without worrying about what anyone else thinks...
  14. You're wrong. I am 100% objective.... >___>; Okay, you got me. I think dark chocolate is too rich, I don't like it.
  15. Your mom.
  16. It all winds up in the same place, so they're functionally indistinguishable.
  17. I have a lightning shaped birthmark on my penis
  18. I had a dream that I wrote an awesome guitar riff, woke up then fell back asleep and woke up again and I couldn't remember how it went. I'm not sure if it was a real riff at this point or if the excitement was justified.
  19. They need a double stuff version
  20. No one else could pull off the endearing, sad moment of the loss of a volleyball to save his own life...
  21. We need to convert to it already. It's just one among many reasons the U.S. is not taken seriously. Current president aside...
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