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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. Showoff
  2. Question is, are your feet aware of you? Did they ever stop to think about your needs or your feelings? Long story short, your feet are dicks, cut them off.
  3. Actually, silence says nothing and it's mostly a great way to force talkative folks to project as they attempt to interpret your thought process with insufficient data.
  4. Ukraine's mom is a red herring
  5. Lasty


    It's okay, you're going to space prison
  6. This is a haiku Not very creative, though I'll let myself out
  7. Lasty


    Except it's a hologram and there's no shoes
  8. Lasty


    Your lips will never go thirsty...
  9. Lasty


    Who knew
  10. Things always wind up looking up eventually. Sometimes it's immediately. Kudos, dude.
  11. True fact: She's also a magical dog. Transformation sequence and everything. The laughter she induces disintegrates the bad guys will to fight, and then we all get coffee at one of those Japanese pet cafes they have because keeping a pet of your own is so hard there.
  12. At least you're purportedly having a good time... o_O I've made better towers since then anyhow.
  13. People always think she's preggers but nope...
  14. You son of a bitch... Give me my tower back
  15. Wait... are you the one who exploded my awesome tower on that one IB minecraft server?
  16. dis my dog. /dog.gush
  17. Not in the best of situations in life, but coping better with it. It's like... I've got my dog, and a good handle on my internal narrative. Stuff will get better, and I'm okay with how long that might take. Remaining sexy and weird in roughly equal proportions.... and I'm super weird. ;3
  18. I mean, like, don't beat yourself up, but also don't forget this feeling you're feeling. In the future, that feeling will help you read the room by providing incentive to not feel like that again.
  19. You didn't know... It was an offhand comment that happened to be circumstantially insensitive. Don't beat yourself up.
  20. I used to work at a Wendy's, and yes, they get paid little bonuses for successfully selling extra shit.
  21. I see what you did there
  22. Lots of animals display intelligence.... Just because a chimp can be taught to use a smartphone doesn't mean that chimp could engage in electronic espionage. It would be hard to use his breath to fly and as an effective weapon at the same time. What I think it boils down to is the nature of the respective fictions: Godzilla is always written as an unstoppable, indestructible god mode monstrosity, (a reflection of the need of the Japanese to inflate their own egos and secure their masculinity after we handed their butts to them) and Dracula is written as a powerful, corrupt antagonist who gets defeated in spite of the odds against it. Godzilla would win if this became a canon installation. I like subverting tropes, though, which is why I argue for Dracula. At the very least, Godzilla would be mind controlled for a period of time as a vampire before being cured somehow.
  23. There's a possibility that Godzilla's breath would have a similar effect to sunlight. At any rate, something else to consider is that Godzilla is an animal and Dracula is an intelligent being who has lived for a very long time, so lots of experience under his belt. The bigger they are, and all that.
  24. I stream shit online, haven't watched actual television in years.
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