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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. Lasty


    I can be pretty dramatic.
  2. Lasty


    Do I have ptsd now? How can I tell?
  3. Life is full of little concessions. We make do.
  4. Wanna know what's truly morbid? I have showered once in the last, like, six months.
  5. You'll have to refer to my edited version of my initial post, then. I think it's less fun than losing a hand.
  6. It doesn't really matter what I want, because it's out of my control either way. Kind of a moot inquiry if you ask me.
  7. To answer #2: excruciatingly painful because you'd have to cut off your hand.... or break your arm in enough places so it all bends around. Either way... yikes
  8. It's a joke about the show.
  9. Lasty


    Figured out how to add peeps to the ignored list on here. It's one thing to disagree, but some people are just antagonistic. There's no way to be honest with them without insults because they go out of their way to be insultable, and I don't want to get like that. I usually hate censorship, but you can bite it, loser! You're not worth it. ^__^
  10. Was it an independent dub or were you thinking of something else?
  11. Subs are better
  12. Lasty


    I'll hug him and love him and name him George... Sorry, re-run flashback...
  13. You'd cry because it was something to eat aside from the raw whale carcass you'd been eating raw because you couldn't start a fire. You're right, though, Tootsie Rolls suck. I'm just giving you a hard time.
  14. but the tootsie roll would still make you cry
  15. Probable or not, that's what would happen.
  16. I'd be pretty upset, like, why are you making me do this? It's gross.
  17. So you're a native of this timeline...
  18. I give it a week on a deserted island before a Tootsie Roll brings you to tears when you see it.
  19. ... sig shout outs. Classic. That made me remember my ridiculous clusterfuuuuudge of a sig I had once...
  20. The Fandom wiki doesn't mention any alternate maths for the opening, just cites the current display as an easter egg... I'm checking a bunch of youtube entries for the opening and they all have the same altered math equation so far...
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