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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. I cannot golf. Must have been satisfying.
  2. Those always feel good.
  3. Like, in basketball or throwing trash into a can? From waaay downtown! psssh aaahhh! Well, you were accelerating, and the thrown object did not move in a curve, up then down as it appeared to; it was a straight line...
  4. That's going to weigh about two pounds; nothing. Also, $100 isn't even very much these days; chump change.
  5. I grew up with a little brother who kicked me in the balls constantly. Cheap shots aren't going to work.
  6. Hope you're ready to lose some money
  7. Here in Portland, Oregon, those places will not be closing down. They'll get too much support. Some of them didn't even close.
  8. Lasty


    Not everyone is worth your time. Don't be afraid to use it.
  9. Lasty


    Maybe they're still going to be rude talking about me or things I say even knowing I can't see it, hoping to get other people to inflate their troll egos. Maybe they'll tell themselves they won and stop because there's no satisfaction if they can't get a reaction anymore. Not checking is a great part of blocking them; I don't really care either way.
  10. Lasty


    Message boards are not a competition or a pissing contest. I'm sick of peeps who treat it that way.
  11. What are you doing to that bird?
  12. Close range is too risky, and I need the loot. I always need the loot... too many hours playing fallout picking up everything that's not nailed down...
  13. I'm reading that it's honoring a national park. https://catalog.usmint.gov/national-park-of-american-samoa-2020-rolls-and-bags-MASTER_SAMOA.html?navid=xsellpdp
  14. Can you spare any mortars?
  15. If it's not a container with a gram of anti-matter, I'm not interested.
  16. Okay, now I have to insist. You need to learn to ask for help... They're just quarters; why is that a big deal?
  17. Dude... Just ask people if they have any quarters. When I was on the streets this was a skill I had to master. Not everyone will say yes, but if you stay positive someone will have those quarters. Or whatever else you might need. My favorite is asking people for their leftover food when they come out of restaurants. You can get some bomb shit.
  18. Stupid. I don't need an app to be random or go exploring.
  19. Lasty


    I tend not to post outside of ffa, anyways, and I don't look at the feed.
  20. Lasty


    Yup, and there are no separate folders for babbling and IB anymore... That used to more or less keep the peace.
  21. I've been watching livestreams of the protests... BLM has some good points about police reforms. Like, I'd be scared of the police too if they deployed a blackhawk helicopter every time I J-walked.... Illustrative exaggerations aside, it really just makes sense to not send armed thugs every time some yuppie stubs their ego on what turns out to be nothing. We need different response units for different situations, because it's hard to feel you're an equal citizen when the cops have got guns in your face after the alleged use of counterfeit bills, or what have you... long story short, only violent crimes need potentially violent responders, and those need to be accompanied by negotiators trained in DE-escalation.... not the opposite of that... Sorry, I meant for that to be a shorter side note and to get back to the weather. >__>
  22. Lasty


    To each their own... I mean, I never had an interest in WoW personally. Tried to play it for friends a couple of times, but pay to play is B.S... it's a toilet to throw your money into.
  23. Lasty


    Losers are blocked; problem solved. They're not gonna stop being twats because an internet forum mod gave them a slap on the wrist.
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