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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. Okay, so that's all the episodes. That floating eyeball in the intro is looking pretty much right at the floating math, which makes it feel like a creator prank... Anyways, all the episodes that don't skip the intro sequence say the same thing, which means it was probably changed unless those four or so episodes with it missing originally had the intro sequence along with the alternate visuals, but then why would those stick out in our memories instead of what it appears to be changed to if most of the episodes always displayed this visual that no one who has reported so far remembers? Need those 1st edition dvds to do any further significant testing...
  2. If by opposing convention you mean being a total sociopath... Was Diogenes a sociopath? Not familiar
  3. Okay, that's three reports, including mine, by the way, of 2+2=5...
  4. Were you thinking more along the lines of equal parts batshit crazy and overpowered, a horrible influence on Morty, a terrible father & friend? Someone a bunch of idiots in a toxic fandom look up to because they're stupid and don't get the point of the show?
  5. You can look it up, but don't say what it is when you check... I'll share more results when more people report what they remember and after I check all the episodes on the streaming site I use.
  6. It's right at the beginning of every episode, so it's not taking long to skim through them. It's weird that there's a discrepancy between my memory and available evidence. Not just me, but so far also HarcoreHunter.... constituting three distinct total positions for the visuals in question(because what I remember isn't the same as what HardcoreHunter remembers): What I remember, what HardcoreHunter remembers, and how it is upon observation now. The reason I want to check the first edition dvd is because they'd be hard to edit retroactively if this is some prank by the show's creators or people on the internet. Anyways, thanks. I'll get to the bottom of this.
  7. Yeah, it seems like a minor detail, right? but I remember it being a simple math equation that was wrong. In the most recent episode, it's a correct equation... and now every episode is like that, and none of them I've checked are what I remember. I haven't checked them all yet...
  8. Okay... I'm hoping someone has a first edition dvd release so we can check that...
  9. Don't say what it was when you checked. I want to see what other people's answers are... Because E=mc2 is not what I remember it being. I'm checking every episode, and it looks like they're all the same now... not what I remember.
  10. So, you remember it being E=Mc2?
  11. The part where the math rolls by... without checking, can you guys tell me what you remember it being?
  12. That is pretty funny. How did I not hear about this before?
  13. No. Never is the time to get religious. It's all bullshit placebo fairy tale charlatanism. Like, how are these people getting sick? OH! God must have made the air into a miasma, better drain their bad blood... huh they got worse better drain some more... welp they died, must've been witches. Got to find some of them to burn now
  14. Lasty

    yay, I guess

    Also, congrats on not being infected. Hopefully you stay that way as the virus mutates and turns everyone into zombies.
  15. Lasty

    yay, I guess

    That takes up ram your phone could use for more important things... just sayin'
  16. Yeah, the 4th is lame. It's just a big waste... I'm lucky my dog doesn't give much of a shit about fireworks. She's really mild mannered. Sorry about your wrist. Hope it wasn't too bad.
  17. They could show us what's in the chest in Lion's mane by doing the scene where Rose puts it in there to begin with! I bet it's just some earth junk Rose got as a gift from some humans...
  18. but Steven Universe needs a prequel. About the gem war and the time between corruption and when Rose met Greg.... It would be a time with lots of different fusions we never got to see. Lots of human-gem interactions... Only a bit more serious and gritty, think the last season of Samurai Jack.
  19. Then it wouldn't be like a month of the year. "The joyous time between time" or whatever
  20. Why does it have to fit exactly? We can take the leftover days and make a special week long short month as a celebration or holiday of some sort.
  21. Dubious on both counts
  22. Is this part of your time religion?
  24. How many months does that add to a year?
  25. You do not. Your eyes are insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
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