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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. drunk me likes going to subway and making suggestive comments about 'foot longs'
  2. its sunday.....and i work tomorrow
  3. i was talking about zeni.....but sure yeah i can see that
  4. my competition is bacon...and I've been losing that battle for....3...3 years....plus side was I found out that tits can't be the answer to every question...my poor dejected boobies
  5. its damn near 70 right now
  6. hes a sad...sad lonely man...? Man boy? Man child?
  7. shit that's flock of seagulls right there...I mean come on...you're gonna look at that and not say the man bun is the dumbest fucking thing in this generation?
  8. dear god are they tone-deaf?
  9. about replies to threads they haven't posted in? I am and Jesus Christ my screen lights up like a color blinds Christmas
  10. wtf nobody has said limon or dill pickle....y'all asses
  11. yeah....but thats been around forever....have you seriously never seen office space?
  12. im not sure how this is insulting...
  13. i get songs stuck in my head for weeks....but i never really lose sleep over it....i go to sleep singing it, then in the morning i get up singing it....enjoy my current frustration
  14. fuckin evergreen, balsam, mahogany balsam....PINE TREES...I just bought one of each kind at bath and body works...in each the candles, oil decanters, and car scents....fml FUCKIN TREEEEEZZZZ
  15. yeah I was kinda bummed it was over when I came home today
  16. 04 og motha fucka in hurr..
  17. i regret not sending my mother to jail...and blindly believing what bullshit stories she used to tell me....
  18. Still Me


    yeah its good....like eggnog shakes....hella good
  19. Still Me


    its honestly not my favorite....i love cannoli's and eclairs
  20. booty? we talkin bout you ass being so bangin that it fucks you up?....cause i have back issues....i have degenerative disks in L1-L3...to add insult to injury it doesnt help that satan was laughing his ass of when the good lord gave me a massive rack.....
  21. heres your cliff note....cause i need vent...she was being beaten by her boyfriend, and i finally had enough...i asked for help from her boyfriends brother who makes a ton of money...he offered to give use $4000 to get her out...and she did...she left. and after a month of being sad and not being a smart MOTHER FUCKING PERSON.......she went back....but...every time i try to talk to her she becomes his little puppet and starts being the middle man in fights between him and I...like the very first day she went back to him he made this FB post and he was talking shit about me in it to his circle of friends so instead of being the hot headed idiot that i am....i just screenshot the post and sent it to her in a text so she was aware that it was going on and she wouldnt be allowed to play dumb. then she calls me saying all this shit about how she wont tolerate badmouthing of him blah blah...and im like bitch...i didnt say ANYTHING...so now...fuck her...but she still owe me all that money...and she keeps dicking around...so i sent her a message on FB that said she needed to call me, cause fuck if im calling her dumb ass she can come to me...and she told me to email her...so i sent this...anyone want to add? so here I am trying to figure out how you're supposed to be paying me back, when (A) You refuse to speak to me without being interrupted by the peanut gallery or you being nothing but his lecture puppet, and (B) having the voice mail you sent to LB about 'being too afraid to call you' saved on my phone. Lets get some shit right, and since you feel like sharing everything with him then I'm sure he already knows that (BF brother) was the actual financier right? I mean, we don't want to have you restart your relationship on lies right? Or the fact that the argument in question that keeps being brought up as a petty trump card was your fault right? Or how you shouldn't be trusted with anything financial related to him because you've been know to use and abuse it, and my poor credit and money problems were your fault? And the fact i even HAVE student loans was because you set them up without my knowledge then when I found out you guilted me into signing the paperwork, just so you could support that job you couldn't make any money in. Or it was actually you who told me I could move down and stay there unbeknownst to him so we had to make up some bullshit lie that made Don look bad. And the fact that nobody other than the six of us (you, me, him, (close neighbors) and LB) know that you tried to throw me out on the street not once, but twice....just for some man over your fucking child. So now that i have you attention...and I sure its just yours lets get to the actual reason. I have bills to pay, that went unpaid for your sake. I need my money back, and since I no longer have a smart account we need to figure this shit out, or I can just call the bank, pretend to be you and get what i need. your call really I don't care... the one downside to being as close as we are is that i know just about everything i need to get around security measures, as you do on me. And since you didn't hold up your end of the bargain the last time we actually had a conversation, that wasn't a fight brought on by the unmentionable, you were supposed to have given me the tools i needed. Instead, of figuring it out in a way to save you money, now the option is western unions, which you can do on your phone wherever in the country you may be. This includes all the money you owe (BF brother), and since I can say with the utmost certainty that you haven't said anything, all that money has to come to me. So what are we looking at? Three grand and two cellphone bills? Yep.... So before I end my tirade let me conclude this...and i really want you to save this so if you ever get the feeling you need to talk to me on anything other than money, you can re-read this and be reminded. I am not afraid to 'call you', I refuse to call you. Outside of what you owe I want nothing, and i do mean nothing, to do with you. I don't want to hear your motor mouth on repeat about 'being with (women beater)' bullshit cause now...i don't care. Do what you gotta do, but where you fucked up...was when i was respectful and didn't blast his bullshit on a public medium letting everyone in your family, and in his know what had been going on for years. And the minute he had you back in his bubble, he gets to say all the shit about me he wants to his buddies? Not only is the matter childish and outright pathetic for someone of his age, it makes you into a hypocrite. And to sit there and say to me that 'oh he's changed' yet he keeps making you bring up irrelevant arguing points is laughable. So tell me mother, how does it feel to know you've now been placed in the same folder with me as (insert shitty aunts name who is a total cunt and i don't acknowledge anymore as a living breathing person). Give me what you owe, because once we're done, you get to be just a familiar faced stranger. I feel nothing for you. And anything that happens to you, you fucking deserve it. Now I suggest you call your son, cause now hes all that you have left. oh and P.S. if you decide to screw me over on repayment, not only will your phone become a pretty paperweight... no one would be denied the truth on what really goes on....you catch me?
  22. beaker
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