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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. lol suuure valentimes....lol
  2. got a ticket? Maybe obey the laws of the road maybe?
  3. valentimes?....lol sure it isn't valentines?
  4. not flu...just head cold
  5. dont have one....I don't like lying to myself
  6. but sounding like an 80 year old and achy joints I just can't handle....omg....I wanna die
  7. i thought you were leaving
  9. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x301/skyed88/E5E34B6B-8BBB-44D6-BF1F-62728379DA31_zpstwbikoh5.jpg
  10. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/64/20/e9/6420e95145333af3ac53d3d670e05a74.jpg
  11. its an observed holiday because the holiday falls on a Sunday....it's sucks I know but at least work for me will be easy on Monday...and I'm not a batman fan either but he is
  12. so much for amazon prime...2 day shipping my asshole...I'm still waiting for lupin' gift https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0182IZU4C/ref=ya_st_dp_summary
  13. flavor...oh and fuck you
  14. homemade bacon mac n cheese http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x301/skyed88/98683658-68B3-4DD6-9966-9E11C42C6253_zpsodjwpp2f.jpg
  15. new years day not eve
  16. relleno burritos? Omfg...
  17. well fuck I know that now...now they have become one my top fave Mexican foods...chili relleno's number uno doe
  18. he brought me mochi to make me feel better
  19. must be nice...I'm just gonna sit here in my fluffy superman pjs and my faux fur blanket
  20. oh man I love me some tamales...you know when I moved to Texas I hand never even heard of them...and no one explained how I was supposed to eat them...sat there chewing on corn husk
  21. what is that supposed to mean?
  22. yep I'm a fuckin peach
  23. well we aren't visiting family but boyfriends family did that too...so weird
  24. my family did...thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years were the only time we spoke
  25. shall I take a page from your book then? Don't be hatin
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