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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. isnt it traditional to have like a "meal" like a big one with fam and shit?...well anyways...I'm making pork ribs, steak, potato salad, homemade bacon mac n cheese, salad, and like this veggie stir fry
  2. mmmk sure stick to your garbage...you're only freeing up the better shit to buy
  3. then don't be a punk ass hipster...vape...Jesus if you're not gonna smoke right then don't smoke it
  4. "don't be hatin" how about don't assume....I'm more bothered why you would bother with a fucking vape...grow some big boy hair on yo nuts and smoke the good good
  5. i prefer the optimistic pessimist point of view...it's gonna suck for years to come
  6. was gonna go get piss drunk...
  7. i woke up sick....so yay get to spend the ushering in of a new year at home, sucking some NyQuil
  8. its like new for this Walmart...so it offers a special if I do it and use my Walmart card
  9. yeah but then I have that issue of "they won't get a good fat marbled steak or bacon" or "they'll get the smallest roast or short ribs"....
  10. disappointing...New Years? A slice of the same
  11. if I send my shopping list to Walmart and just make them grocery shop for me?....I mean I get $50 back....so lazy? Or frugal?
  12. walrus whiskers are called vibrissae and they have 450 of them
  13. meh I'm not all that great with photoshop
  14. Suuure...hey so here's an idea... maybe you're friend zoned for douchey qualities....
  15. your argument would have more validity if you didn't change it...just saiyan
  16. see I would believe you...but the fullofshitforce is strong with you
  17. i love how everyone is just glossing over the fact you spelled baby wrong
  18. or a deep long winded sigh
  19. no...not really...mine is a strong contender for first tho
  20. Still Me

    I'm bored.

    OMFG there is a doctor near where I currently work that I occasionally have to right for and his last name is fucking Akbar...evertime I see it I immediately think this shit
  21. no people always ask my ass that...and I'm always like "why, should their be?"
  22. have some respect....that's your mother you're talking about
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