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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. ive been doing it ever since i went from desktop to laptop.....it just gives me the heebie jeebies
  2. ive been preparing for about 3 weeks...so i have everything even though im broke as a joke took...but i am making thanksgiving on the 22nd for my place of work, then im making another thanksgiving for the two of us on the 24th
  3. i wanna li-li-li-lick you from your head to your toes, wanna move from the bed down to the-down to the floor.....
  4. gooooooood fer yew
  5. ah ok fair enough....on a lighter note....BUY HALF PRICED ZOLPIDEM.....lol j/k j/k
  6. oooooh if you dont know still me then you arent a OG member of the boards...my 04 buddies know me
  7. well its certainly not what i need......
  8. yall take my ass way too seriously.... :
  9. lol please i havent done anything
  10. the point....which you seemed to have missed....was thanks for the tip but not really gonna do anything about it....all for them +1's huh?
  11. right? i only know little bits of spanish, french, german, and japanese.....i can mingle them to make fucked up sentences
  12. yeah you know whats funny? when i was posting on the asmb people said the same thing.....
  13. so....i currently live in dallas where about half of the population speak another language....and about....2 weeks ago he got a voicemail from a doctors office and the doctor had spoke in spanish for the whole thing...and he looks at us techs and says 'Can you believe this? your in America, speak fucking english'....now our company has a translate system to help when this happens so its not a big deal however....one of the techs we have is not american....her family does not speak english....so i told him 'you know, thats very narrow minded of you, this country was founded by immigrants most of which did not speak "the queens english"...' so he got pissed off and then waited for something really silly and minor to yell at me about....and he yelled at me in front of the other techs saying that i dont respect him and he is my boss (he isnt....btw) and if i didnt respect him then i didnt need to work there.... he fuckin grew up in Connecticut....one of THE upper middle class white states....mother fucker youre just intolerant.....
  14. why would i give up my opportunity to bitch?.....its almost like you forget who i am viper.....
  15. *distant echoing laughter*
  16. more like bad everything....amirite?
  17. sippin on gin and juice? with your mind on yo money and yo money on yo mind?
  18. yeah me too....thats why i dont....i am required to work one sunday a month tho....
  19. it doesnt have the impact the last one did.....kinda a bummer
  20. yeah im a pc person....but ive been too afraid to fuck with my new laptop.....i just bought the new HP spectre and the ram is good for what i need but its storage is kinda a joke for what i paid for the damn thing....but its just so very thin that im hesitant to update it to a TB
  21. Still Me

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