so....i currently live in dallas where about half of the population speak another language....and about....2 weeks ago he got a voicemail from a doctors office and the doctor had spoke in spanish for the whole thing...and he looks at us techs and says 'Can you believe this? your in America, speak fucking english' our company has a translate system to help when this happens so its not a big deal of the techs we have is not american....her family does not speak i told him 'you know, thats very narrow minded of you, this country was founded by immigrants most of which did not speak "the queens english"...'
so he got pissed off and then waited for something really silly and minor to yell at me about....and he yelled at me in front of the other techs saying that i dont respect him and he is my boss (he isnt....btw) and if i didnt respect him then i didnt need to work there....
he fuckin grew up in of THE upper middle class white states....mother fucker youre just intolerant.....