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Everything posted by JehutyNinja

  1. Let it rain floppy schlongs!!!
  2. Neo-Las Vegas on acid looks fun
  3. Ah damn buddy I'm sorry I'll sleep with you though, no homo
  4. I'm gunna buy you a black cobra, to wear around your neck 🥰
  5. Well I'm convinced you got my vote
  6. I'm going to go out on a limb and say no
  7. I mean that's great and all but we're still subject to the other moderators/admins
  8. Yeah, I think we need a pocket mod that doesn't even know what a troll is.
  9. Did you push to hard, too fast?
  10. We had something in the basement of our house. Whatever it was, it didn't have a body that I could see. It did however speak in a guttural sounding robotic language as if it was being played over an old radio, but it spoke a language I couldn't understand. Whatever it was, it was responsive to me, though I'm wondering if it could tell how scared I sounded as I called out to it? I think I did provoke its anger, again out of fear and not knowing what I was dealing with. At one point I heard it directly below me, while I was in the kitchen and it was in a closet in the basement downstairs. I stomped my foot a couple times to try to intimidate it... and in that same voice it began to hiss and scream...it was demoralizing. It took the fight right out of you. Later I began researching on what to do, found very slightly similar stories but nothing even close to the same. Whatever it was burning the sage worked.
  11. Awesome, would do it for funsies. Have had at least one paranormal experience that ended in me chanting and burning sage, which, I don't do, btw...but after about a week of being harassed by something I couldn't comprehend, I was open to anything.l
  12. I don't object. You'll rule with an iron penis
  13. Been there man. I lost an erection mid penetration, because I had a wall mirror, and I looked at myself and asked what the heck was I doing...no amount of oral brought it back. She smelled like a Monster energy drink that someone used as an ashtray. Definitely a low point.
  14. I feel that you're a cutie and we should go out sometime
  15. You can protect yourself from scratching it and scratch that itch all at the same time with a heeldo
  16. I once flipped a roll of toilet paper from the toilet I was on, about 6ft from me, onto a towel rack. And promptly not a single soul believed me. Edit: after getting constantly made fun of for practicing my new form for disc golf, I managed to perfect it, and with the snap of my wrist, I went from about a 200 yard throw to about 400 yards. I got a hole in one on a 350 yard shot and on a later basket, I skipped the disc off of the ground and under some exposed roots for another hole in one.
  17. Maybe like 1/2 or 1/4 of that... or someone to eat it with
  18. Kill you with kindness
  19. You always have us 🥰
  20. Ok, I just formed a wrinkle in my brain reading this
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