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Everything posted by JehutyNinja

  1. You peeped me first T~T
  2. Like... suicidal cut? Yikes. I would definitely avoid a relationship that relies on you both remaining broken. I know a lot can happen in nine or more years however old you daughter is... but that sounds really toxic and I would not do that
  3. Bruh... what's that dick butted thing on your profile background?
  4. I mean I don't know your history and your past relationships and stuff except the military dude or whatever and even then I don't really know... but ex's are just that for a reason. If he wanted to get married he'd propose. I wouldn't just settle on someone.
  5. Oh I honestly didn't know that it wasn't a dragon. I was just trying to figure out where the guy summoned you. Weird maybe he wanted you to take care of the dragon that he couldn't beat, lol
  6. Was it the red dragon on top of the... bridge archway thingy?
  7. Something pertaining to the origin of dick pics.
  8. Those are pretty sexy but I mean the price is reasonable considering they're Nike. Until I went back and read what you said I almost thought you had really small feet, the color that comes up only goes up to a size 6 or something lol
  9. Yeah but it's only because I post so sporadically and then I forget a week later when I actually get the like. I got a few the other day when I actually made the post so I didn't have to look but I do look at the notification thing because I hate having it tell me I have notifications
  10. To: Zenis bf From: Zeni
  11. Kinda hard with fires all around us, dry climate with virtually no humidity, and very little rainfall.
  12. There are picturesque moments, for sure. I took this one yesterday at our family reunion
  13. We get these crazy snow drifts and with their not being a lot of trees in this part of Wyoming or probably Wyoming in general, when the wind blows, which is all the time, it hits the snow drifts and blows the snow horizontally across the road creating really fucked up white out conditions. It doesn't help the wind is coming down off the Rockies which makes it that much more intense
  14. I'm all for Fall it's my favorite season, but Winter and snow both go to fucking hell
  15. My wife does that too. The good thing is is that 9 times out of 10 she's pretty much sitting on it
  16. I knew this 500 lb plus kid who Not only would eat frozen egg rolls but his BO was something else. He was a good guy but man he stunk
  17. I like Popeyes spicy bite and the red beans and rice are delicious too. Man I want some fucking Popeyes now
  18. Shepherds pie sounds good
  19. What I'm saying is You're a fucking moron and there's no way you're tutoring anyone.
  20. He'd keep you at bay just by chucking defunct Apple phones at you. It'd be hilarious
  21. You're 3 years younger than me. I'm sorry bud but you're old. You have a 10-year reunion either already happened or coming up so have fun with that
  22. I'm pretty sure for LB that was very calm. You asked and he gave you a straight up answer
  23. There is a difference but not the way you phrased it. There's XLT, which is for people who are large and tall, the shirts are longer, by like 4-6 inches. I prefer the tall, personally, but I'm also 6'6. XLT is just as wide as XL. XL are for people who are wider than they are tall.
  24. The pack mentality staves off predators, such as yourself.
  25. Holy shit, you work?
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