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Everything posted by JehutyNinja

  1. Nothing wrong with that, if people want to pay you to do it, I mean, there's worse things you can throw your money at.
  2. I like the idea and I'm kind of jealous I hadn't thought of it, I'll take ink, even if it's not the ink I particularly want.
  3. I got fired for asking for my paycheck, two weeks after I should've gotten it, too aggressively.
  4. 💦💦💦
  5. The more you know...
  6. Cuomo, McConnell, Bannon and uh, that methed out smarmy motherfucker Shapiro. Hope they all have dirt naps.
  7. now the real test is do your hind legs go nuts when I scratch that special spot?
  8. I mean gpus are ridiculously overpriced right now and have been for a couple years
  9. so are you, in fact, a good boy?
  10. well thank jebus cuz I was confused for a minute
  11. wuts bliss?
  12. Yeah, none of that sounds too appealing to my keto diet, though
  13. I've never heard it in person but gotdamn, the after effects, whooooweee
  14. Welcome to day 6 of my personal hell. Rolling blackouts for almost a week
  15. *sniffs ur butt* Yep, you're a cat
  16. I've been 30 for almost 4 years now, it's not that bad buddy
  17. mmmm, cover me in your chunky horsey sauce bby
  18. can I sniff ur duck smegma?
  19. you've watched too much Jackass Also, let's do it
  20. I can only hope. Also, a holographic rainbow and real confetti shoot out lol
  21. that's rude
  22. I see this folder moves slowly... Looks delicious!
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