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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. It's like a roller coaster of dread, but just a never-ending climb.
  2. That's a belly that needs a-rubbin.
  3. Fuckin ALWAYS
  5. Yeah, salon quality stuff always is. My first bottles of Loma shampoo and conditioner were the size of the average Suave bottles but cost $20 a pop. My guess is Ulta is similarly priced?
  6. It's salon quality. It's pro shit. I actually use Loma shampoo and conditioner. Brands you won't see on shelves unless you go to a salon supplier.
  7. There's a period in which your hair will be shitty and awful. Like, I had this horrible wave that looked like the Nike swoop on my forehead for a long time. The only thing to do is power through. At a certain point, your hair will say "I'm tired of trying to hold on to this shit" and it will relax and then suddenly you'll have rock star hair. Also shampoo/condition your hair every other day.
  8. Look at his face. Look at it.
  9. Lestat walked so Edward could run.
  10. In lieu of birthday wishes, send boobs. On a related note, I learned that the Number 1 Song on the Billboard charts the day I was born was "Hey Mickey" by Toni Basil.
  11. Liam Neeson is known for throwing his children off cliffs.
  12. I thought that the od'd girl he found in the secret base was her friend. Shows how much I paid attention.
  13. I am personally insulted by this.
  14. I legit haven't played a Zelda game since Twilight Princess, and haven't beaten one since Majora's Mask. I don't like stamina meters and sometimes I'd like to be steered to where I need to go.
  15. The button remains but the counter is gone, as is the ratio bar. I get the same thing. I think the posters still see dislikes in their analytics, but it's not broadcast to viewers.
  16. I think it hits different if you see it in FMA before seeing it in FMA Brotherhood. There are a few episodes where it builds up the relationship between the Elrics and Nina, how they see her as a little sister at their home in town, and then out of nowhere Shou just turns his daughter into a chimera because the State is pressuring him for updates on his research. Also the reason Nina doesn't have a mom is because Shou turned her into a chimera as well. It's a sudden gut punch of emotion, and before you even get a chance to deal with it Scar comes along and explodes Chimera Nina in an alley.
  17. Found out that the Crypt Keeper has a Christmas album, and then within seconds of hearing the intro it dawned on me that the Crypt Keeper's voice is also Buster Bunny's voice. I've learned a lot today.
  18. Tiddies. Big mommy milkers. Massive gazongas.
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