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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. I got it a while back after a Humble Bundle had a ton of PS3 Capcom games. I enjoyed it alot, but still have to finish it when I get the chance.
  2. Those are only good when you give them to people
  3. Was that an empty box they took?
  4. Only if his official title is "One Piece is Shit"
  5. I remember the show he was on, but it has to be on another level to personally know him. Sorry for your loss and his family's loss
  6. I think the only ones I pick up now are the Archer Farms ones from Target or maybe DiGiorno. I used to eat alot of Celeste and Stouffers french bread pizzas when I was younger. The only thing about the frozen California Pizza Kitchen is that the dough has a rubbery consistency to it.
  7. I could make a drinking game for whenever a Reddit topic is derailed by a quote from a movie, TV show, or song popular on the site, someone playing Devil's advocate about something no one would be caught defending in public (rape, murder, incest, pedophilia, etc), a bomb joke in any thread remotely involving Arabs or the Middle East, Nazi puns, fights between The_Donald & r/Politics breaking out in random places, the quote "I'm going to be downvoted for this", some dude begging to fuck the OP's significant other in threads about anything involving their wife or girlfriend, or dudes begging to DM any random NSFW image poster even when the model is clearly not the user who posted it.
  8. Have you seen Chef?
  9. The one famous guy is actually the other famous guy this whole time.
  10. He thinks that life is like a box of chocolates, but there sure are a lot of brown ones in there.
  11. Their cheesecake is probably the most ideal thing from there. Sometimes I'll convince myself that I liked their Cajun Pasta only to leave feeling like I ate a week's worth of food in one sitting.
  12. How would I know it's Miku, and wouldn't magicially transform into a garbage disposal or a pencil sharpener?
  13. Fear The Boy Next Door Straw Dogs Sleeping with the Enemy One Hour Photo Cape Fear The Talented Mr. Ripley The Fan The Gift The Passengers
  14. I got tequila, but ended up drinking sangria
  15. There's a ton of these in Hetalia flavor
  16. Chapinator_X


    Is it one of the fetishes you specify you can do, or is it just something that clients would pop up on you during the chats?
  17. I would've fapped if it were Amy's feet instead.
  18. The next wallpaper should be the Connection Error screen.
  19. Are there any other Squidward's I should know about?
  20. Chapinator_X


  21. I missed the train when it first came on, but the episodes I saw on YT were great. Took me back to the days of watching ADV dubs.
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