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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. One of those monkeys that gets drunk off eating fermented fruit
  2. more like poosday
  3. why are there donuts on it? why is any of that on it? Why is anything?
  4. probably better than them thinking you're dying if you're having a seizure
  5. If grapes grew in a pod, that would be fucking weird. Except if they did, we'd be used to it, so it wouldn't actually be weird.
  6. check the ingredients list, if it says "clowns" or "may contain clowns" it's possibly made from clowns. Also I wasn't being condescending, I watch a lot of british nerds on youtube, I've picked up their vocabulary. They call various vegetables weirder stuff than that.
  7. i used to fall asleep on my couch all the time when i was extra horribly depressed and a severe alcoholic. Why give a shit to get up and go to bed? Who cares?
  8. they call cotton candy "candy floss" in the UK and europe. although it could be made from clowns, who knows in this day and age.
  9. Cotton candy mix, aka flavored and colored sugar
  10. She probably robbed you. Did you have both kidneys still?
  11. wow, these are indeed terrible. ....I don't know if I want more or not. It's like a really bad mixed drink. My body craves the alcohol, but my mind hates the idea and the execution
  12. I remember having some of those things. They only worked in certain door shapes, though, if the panel was slightly too thick, it would be angled and it wouldn't hold the cup. Or they were really flimsy and would break and your shit would spill all over and then your mom yells at you
  13. Can I bum about tree fiddy?
  14. I've had 151 shots, and ive had everclear in stuff, like punch or whatever. I've also smelled industrial alcohol, which is basically everclear with bitterants added to keep people like me from drinking it. I have absolutely no desire to ever do a shot of everclear, ever. woof. No. Why?
  15. More like four NO-ko Im an actual fuckin alcoholic, that shit stays away. I'll drink the horsepiss "ice" beers before those. I get diabetes from brushing past them with my hand.
  16. copyright, possibly? No idea.
  17. wat I was screwing around with a gif reverser but decided it looked like assbutts, did I somehow paste the reversed one? It's normal for me
  18. Is that what its at now? Wonderful. That means clifton park is probably getting more towards the 10" end or more... Faaaaack
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