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Everything posted by Daos

  1. They can't even fill one saturday night with decent anime, why would you want more days? =P
  2. Oh damn things are heatin up in here.
  3. Bad block of anime, bad ratings. Not much else to say.
  4. Even the author of HxH found it so boring he couldn't finish. ZING Cheap shot.
  5. It is boring. I've never understood why so many people have such a hard on for it. it usually relies on the ... 5 minutes of action... 18 minutes of talk formula for every episode. Super heavy on political intrigue. The world and concept are actually really good, just the execution..... is badly paced. Basically the show should be way more entertaining than it is. "Reviewers agreed that the main "Laughing Man" storyline was satisfying, characterizing it variously as "interesting",[59] "complex",[60] and "engaging".[56] Reaction to the series' "Stand Alone" episodes, however, was mixed: some reviewers considered these episodes to be boring and, in some cases, the worst episodes of the series,[56][59] while others contended that they allowed further development of the characters and the futuristic setting.[55][60]"
  6. Level E was mildly amusing. It's average at best. Kind of similar to HxH... illogical plot that just ends up going nowhere.
  7. LOL HxH got dunked on by Naruto again? If you're not going to get rid of that crap, at least give Naruto it's timeslot.
  8. And I was right! The blocks been sucking it hard since then =)
  9. LOL what. Wouldn't surprise me, the guy is a hack. Guess he forgot about this?
  10. To be fair Toonami does suck horribly right now and probably should be canceled.
  11. LOL if the lightning from the SS2 powerup is any indication... the effects are a complete joke.
  12. I don't remember any.
  13. HOTD? No there were all sorts of weird disputes or something.
  14. Have I mentioned Toriyama is a shitty writer? There's nothing this guy won't pull out of his ass, he doesn't care if it makes sense.
  15. Welp... Super is turning out to be way worse than I thought. I thought it would at least try.
  16. Well most Americans are stupid with short attention spans. The Japanese prefer video games with plot and massive amounts of complexity while we in the US prefer.... first person shooters. They didn't even release Final Fantasy 2 or 3 in the US, because they just assumed we would be too dumb to like it. And it's not like we in the US only like live action stuff. Frozen made a gazillion dollars. People of all ages went to see that again and again. But it's a simple plot, and done in 2 hours or less. Also there's the fact that the current anime block is god awful and being led by the shameless milking of a beloved franchise.
  17. I would be also..... if they actually made an attempt to have an anime block that was decent instead of trying to coast on whatever has name recognition. Still waiting on War on Geminar!
  18. Daos

    scums wish

    If you hear this song..... run.
  19. One punch man reruns should be leading the block IMO. And I just want to be on record again as saying that I called for Toonami to be cancelled as soon as they picked up Super.
  20. Next week on Toonami.... Tenchi Muyo War on Geminar! Because it has name recognition that's why!
  21. A poorly animated cash grab like Super isn't doing well? I'm shocked!
  22. Broly has the WORST backstory I've ever seen. He hates Goku because Goku disturbed him and made him cry when they were born. Yeah. Despite the retarded backstory Broly has always been oddly popular. So this does make sense.
  23. Yeah same. I kinda tuned out up until now. Seems way better than that IBO trash though.
  24. Toriyama really is a shitty writer. He's like the George Lucas of anime. Gets lucky, rides it forever. Forgot about most of his characters, and reduced everyone except Goku to comic relief. Android 18's original voice is definitely the best.
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