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Everything posted by Daos

  1. You could just watch every ep for free on Kissanime like everyone else =P
  2. Also the MC is a chronic whiner like the MC from Deadman Wonderland.
  3. Yes but Superman's people were a civilized and mostly peaceful race, while Goku's race is a race of violent lunatics who commit genocide on a daily basis. So when Goku does insane stuff it's chalked up to... well he's a Saiyan. Can't help it. Another example. During the Buu saga.. Vegeta destroys the Potara earrings. Universe is on the line, he destroys them. Goku holds back because he wants Vegeta to get a chance to fight Buu... and runs out of power. They also refuse to fight Buu both at the same time. And this is with the fate of every living thing in the Universe on the line. They completely half ass it or pass up obvious ways to win just because.
  4. Yes but since he's an alien it gets glossed over as "He can't help it." Goku was actually going to let Frieza go after it was clear he was a mass murderer who wiped out planets for fun.
  5. There's been a lot of salt in here since the announcement.
  6. 10 seconds before that gets turned into gay fanfic.
  7. Oh come on, you know Esdeath turned you straight.
  8. Akame was way better than TG. It's not even a contest.
  9. After seeing IBO and Unicorn I'm honestly not sure how Gundam ever became a thing.
  10. As someone who doesn't watch it or OP I would say..... Naruto has a more palatable art style for the US and ummmm........ Ninjas?
  11. Wrong, it was made for Mochi and only Mochi. Don't try to come between them.
  12. Or just show hot girls with huge breasts fighting each other until they end up naked. Freezing anyone? In addition to getting better ratings than TG it has a better plot as well.
  13. Just go with it Zeni, start jackin it.
  14. Yup Unravel is a great song. Sad that it's wasted on TG.
  15. Ehhh it terms of character and monster designs? Seems like he works hard. But when it comes to story..... it really seems like he kind of farms it out. Did he even do anything on GT aside from dish out a few plot points? I find Super mildly amusing but only due to nostalgia.
  16. Supposedly he has horrible back pain and supposedly he's addicted to Dragonquest. But in reality it's likely that he just got burned out and these are just excuses to placate the fans.
  17. Am I reading this wrong or did JoJo outperform Super in the key demos?
  18. Never assume Toriyama did work, the guy is lazy.. at least in his later years. I don't think he did much with GT other than say... hey .. so there's gonna be a SS4 now.... and maybe Shenron can be.. Omega Shenron?
  19. They could have just picked any random harem anime out of a hat and It would be more entertaining than TG.
  20. Wow they're not showing it before Jojo? I'll take that as a massive lack of confidence vote in Ghoul.
  21. It's a premium channel, you have to pay for it specifically, it's not in any packages =P
  22. So why wasn't OP more popular? Why was it the least popular of the big 3 in the US? I think the reason I never gave it a shot was the art style is pretty much an eye sore. And the character designs are really off putting to me. But I'm sure there must be more to it than that.
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