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Everything posted by Daos

  1. LOL assuming that was 100 percent troll there.
  2. Yeah maybe we're in an alternate universe where Steins Gate and Death note are the DW and IBO of this reality. Toonami viewers would literally watch DW over Death note. DW would get higher ratings. So really... don't expect the people that watch Toonami to actually like anything good unless it has massive mainstream hype behind it like OPM. I know everyone's confused by Jojo tanking hard because it seems like it's pretty good and has a big fan base, but when you take into account the taste of the average Toonami viewer.... it's not that much of a mystery.
  3. And yes Tokyo Ghoul sucks and would probably get great ratings like Dimension W. It's time to face facts, Toonami viewers are idiots with absolute shit taste. You could put Steins gate and Death note back to back and they'd both bomb.
  4. I like Jojo... but it's to much of a niche. You want ratings you need Mob Psycho and Re Zero. And stop acting like IBO is doing good now. it only looks better because Jojo is pre tanking the block before IBO gets the chance to.
  5. Dw, Casshern, Hatchin, IBO They don't even know what anime is. It's like someone picking anime out of a hat.
  6. They can go ahead and cancel Toonami now.
  7. OPM had no dub before it aired on Toonami.
  8. The fact that they haven't snatched up Re Zero yet means they are flat out retarded. I don't expect anything from the guys that run this.
  9. I honestly think Fairytail would do better than IBO or Jojo, lol. I like Jojo but it seems more like anime for anime fans. It's not going to have the casual appeal that One Punch man has.
  10. I'll give you Naruto and OP as I've probably never made it through an entire episode of either. But HxH is actually watchable. I forced myself to watch most of the IBO eps but the last few I just haven't even bothered with, it's unwatchable and isn't even trying.
  11. Academia is great, what's not to like there? That final fight with All might was one of the best of the year. Please tell me this Gundam is better than the IBO borefest... please.
  12. Because IBO is boring and we need something interesting to talk about.
  13. What episode are you on? When you get to the infinity clock arc you'll see some reallllly bad filler.
  14. Lol yup. It's actually more interesting than the first 30 episodes but it's still not great or anything. The show takes 30 episodes to go from boring to somewhat interesting. Not exactly a winning formula. If they had actually watched this show, they would never have aired it. Kinda like DW.
  15. Wait till you see the 1 on 1 fight scenes. It's 10 seconds of action followed by a 5 minute explanation of the move they just did.
  16. Why would you entrust TWO RANDOM CHILDREN with these incredible powers? You JUST MET THEM. Oh let me guess, because you can "sense the good in them." Oh and this stuff normally takes time to master.... but... there's a "cheat" that lets you learn it in 10 minutes! I'm sorry but you guys keep making excuses for the horrible plot convenient writing. Man, when people like a show they just turn on their blinders and can't see the obvious.
  17. Haha, I can see that. It's kinda like a faster paced fairy tail without any filler. 24 episode First season vs almost 300 fairy tail eps. No one really dies and the heroes are overpowered, so yeah it has some similar qualities.
  18. Random guy teaches them new superpowers for little to no reason. Don't get me wrong, the show seems like it's better now than it was..... but the writing is still god awful.
  19. You should, it gets off to a fast start.
  20. Mochi, lol. Still images of TSDS don't look as good. It looks just fine animated.
  21. Lol how is this anything like the Seven Deadly sins? Don't compare this borefest to actual good anime.
  22. Too many bad shows may be bad for ratings. Weird huh? =)
  23. They probably don't want to show harem anime or they'd have shown rosario vampire and freezing at some point.
  24. Highschool of the dead for the 3 am slot! Can't cost that much by now =P
  25. They should run a classic hit anime after OPM finishes it's run. You sure as hell can't run IBO ratings poison again.
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