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Everything posted by Daos

  1. I have mixed feelings on GoSick. It was good enough for me to finish years ago.... but it kind of retcons its own plot half way through. If you watch it you'll see what I mean. And the MC is just a reactionary character there to react to all the stuff Victorique does. Victorique basically carries this show, it doesn't have much else going for it.
  2. Arguing about anime in general tends to be pretty pointless and only for purposes of amusement =P
  3. I think we all know Goku's only love is fighting. Did he ever show any interest in a girl in Dragonball? He had to be conned into marrying Chi Chi basically.
  4. The Hunter Exam is basically a gigantic massacre where hundreds of people die in a variety of brutal ways. This is something that most people would consider cause for at least a witty comment or two. And from what people say, death does matter in this world ....but only if it's to an important character. So I'm pretty sure it's just bad writing, and not some sort of deliberate feature. Killua has murdered what.. 4 people now? Why does Gon want to be friends with him again? Seems like he had a pretty stable upbringing without any serious trauma. Why the need to befriend the mass murdering kid? How many people can Killua kill before Gon comments on the fact that Killua seems to murder a lot of human beings? Why is the Hunters Org giving the incredible power of a Hunters Licence to mass murderers and assassins again? If they're trying to cause mass death and chaos then... that makes sense. But I kind of doubt that's what they're trying to do. It's just illogical actions piled on illogical reactions piled on an illogical world that really doesn't make much sense after 30 something episodes. If you can get past that and still enjoy it that's fine, but it's gonna be a deal breaker for a lot of people.
  5. Yeah I mean, just some sort of "Oh that's too bad about those two guys falling to their death." Even that would go a long way. And did Killua actually kill those 2 guys on the airship? I thought he just knocked them out.
  6. When I turn on Toonami it's on for the full duration. I don't flip around =P I'd say I watched the first 15 episodes of HxH, the last 20 it's just been background noise where I catch bits and pieces. I even catch bits and pieces of One Piece with that giant paw palmed devil fruit guy summoning a giant air explosion ball. No idea what they're fighting about though.
  7. Well my interpretation leans towards.... the writer isn't very good. The fans seem to think this isn't a bug, but a feature. That's being pretty charitable IMO. Apparently this show takes main character deaths more seriously when they die later on. But if you're not a main character you can be slaughtered and there will literally be no reaction or consequences. Remember during the egg hunt part of the exam... two guys jump into that chasm with the updrafts that lift you back out .... except they mistime it and die. Except no one even reacts. No one even says... oh that's a shame. Gon doesn't seem bothered that he just saw two more people fall to their deaths. I wasn't even sure they had died at first by the lack of reaction all the characters had. And from what I've read, almost all the main characters in HxH seem to barely care whether or not they live or die. I'm sorry, but if your fantasy world is like this, you need to provide a few reasons why. Have the movie announcer guy come on before the show and do a voice over. "IN A WORLD.... WHERE NO ONE CARES ABOUT DEATH....."
  8. The real question is........... will Kirito get another Loli for his harem?
  9. They should at least have the decency to bury all the unsold copies of DW in a landfill next to all the copies of the Atari ET game.
  10. A lot of people take criticism of shows they like a bit too personally. But even fans of HxH have taken note of the odd attitude towards death in HxH.
  11. I enjoy railing on HxH. It's fans seem to think it's some sort of brilliant subversion of the Shonen genre instead of a poorly written and paced Shonen by an author who burnt out years ago and only returns to churn out a few more chapters when his funds are running low. And no it's not because of his back. And you get insane logic defying justifications for the shaky plot points, like Top guns "Well his house is out in the wilderness so obviously that's why a 12 year old is unphased by the massive body count and seeing hearts ripped out of chests." It's good stuff. Look how much action this thread has gotten! A OP thread wouldn't have gone this far.
  12. Hey don't get mad at us, get mad at HxH for sucking.
  13. I don't understand the love for GITS any more than peoples love for HxH. The guys running this make a big deal about how every single show has to be action.... then put a show on that's 3 minutes of action and 20 minutes of political and conspiracy discourse. From the reviews I've read SAC isn't even regarded as the best of the series. And there's no way the movie will not be an Aeon Flux style train wreck. There is no way it will even have a coherent plot.
  14. You're totally wrong though. DBZ is the COMPLETE opposite of what it should be. They SHOULD be cavalier about death because they have the ultimate do over button and death is meaningless. When Goku dies vs Raditz... its all emotional even though they literally tell him as he's dying they'll bring him back with the balls. Krillin dies? Goku goes Super Saiyan he's so angry. Goku dies vs Cell? All emotional again. He decides not to come back with the dballs. But then comes back years later while still dead to fight in the tourney in Buu Saga. You don't even need the balls you can come visit while still dead.
  15. Actually Zeni those One punch numbers weren't for all viewers, the last episode was 3:00 AM One-Punch Man 671,000 (107.02%) It actually beat it's lead in one piece most of the time I think. So yeah it gets better ratings than Ghost =P
  16. Creating a work of fiction doesn't mean you should have characters in your work of fiction act in incredibly illogical ways. It's off putting and completely ruins the ability of the reader/watcher to enjoy it. I honestly can't think of any other anime or work of fiction where the attitude towards death is this cavalier. Even anime like AOT.. characters generally display an appropriate reaction towards the deaths of their comrades. And this is a show where all their friends are constantly dying. I don't buy the "hey it's shonen, it's ok for everything to be an illogical asspull" argument. If you want to set up a world where the characters act like this, then you have to actually do the world building to create it. But in this case there isn't a reason. The author just forgot to include appropriate reactions and moved on.
  17. Top Gun, that was probably the worst defense of this show that I've ever heard. He spent a lot of time in the wild running around, therefor he is naturally unphased by massive amounts of humans dying in a variety of brutal ways? That's what you're going with? He lived in a house with his Aunt. He wasn't raised by wolves. I've seen nothing in Gon's childhood that leads me to believe he was living a life where he could possibly become numb to human death by the age of 12 or whatever he is. IRL soldiers trained to kill often end up with PTSD due to traumatic battlefield experiences. But Gon? Water off a Ducks back. Guy gets his heart ripped out? Meh no biggie. I'm 12 after all. Yes, so apparently just taking the Hunter exam gives you a licence to kill whoever you want whenever you want. Seems reasonable. Why are we giving these insanely powerful licences to mass murderers again? Did they explain that part? If you want to establish a world where constant death makes sense and people don't even bat an eye at it..... you have to actually give some information about the world. On a show like the Walking Dead, it's a zombie apocalypse so the main characters are expected to be hardened to people dying, due to the fact that they've seen it happen so many times. And yet when someone dies they still show more reaction than any of the characters on HxH. By the casual reactions people have to the deaths of others in HxH, I'd assume they were living during an apocalypse of some sort, or in some kind of horrible dystopia. But it seems like a fairly normal world, with cities, functioning governments, police... and everything else. The only way the world even makes the slightest sense at this point, would be if the Hunter org was actually running whatever country the story currently takes place in, and had the power to do whatever they wanted. And that still wouldn't explain the casualness everyone in HxH has about death. Don't get me wrong, you can create a believable world where the characters act the way they do in HxH, but the Author hasn't even come close to doing that. Long story short, it's bad writing that you fans of HxH have chosen to overlook for some reason.
  18. Lets be honest, most of these shows could lose another 50 percent and still not be canceled. It's a very low floor.
  19. That's the other thing, the tone is just so.... inconsistent. One minute they're two kids buying a video game, next minute Killua is ripping a guys heart out or ambushing a fellow hunter test taker from behind and murdering him in an unprovoked attack. And nothing explains why Gon the young happy go lucky kid is ok with seeing all this death at such a young age, or why he doesn't have second thoughts about being best buddies with a mass murdering assassin. I mean, the show goes out of its way to tell us how special Gon is at every opportunity, but apparently this includes the ability to be unphased by seeing massive amounts of death at a young age. So on top of being boring and mediocre at its very best.... the storytelling is just bad. How is it they all live in this wacky world where everyone can murder everyone without any repercussions? I'm willing to suspend my disbelief, but the author never even tries to explain.
  20. Mediocre is being generous. The last episode was about buying a video game. There was that episode about opening a door. There was that episode where they spent half the episode on the phone. Then there was that recap episode. I remember a fight with a guy dressed like a Snifit.... and a fight with a guy in a wheelchair that had ... electric eels... or something? The stuff this show thinks will interest people just isn't interesting. I never thought I'd see a Shonen on Toonami that has zero memorable fights.
  21. Naruto is pretty much dead even with HxH again, at a worse time slot. What's the point of getting new shows like HxH if they can't even outperform Naruto?
  22. No no I meant the anime =P
  23. You'd love hyperdimension neptunia then =P
  24. We're supposed to like Killua even though he's a murderer, so its consistent.
  25. Super .... is embarrassing.
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