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Everything posted by Daos

  1. Daos

    *faps loudly*

    So did you ever finish?
  2. I was poking fun at the misspelled thread title.
  3. I foresee doom.
  4. Bowel moving orgasms? Gross. You're sick.
  5. Ratatouille was definitely under ratted.
  6. Most modern doorways are 6'9, so at 6 feet tall you'd need a 9 inch vertical to hit your head. You'd have to make a decent effort to hit your head. For us tall people, it happens at least once in our lives. We don't watch where we're standing and do a little hop and POW. It doesn't feel good.
  7. All those times he serviced me I thought it was just a sign of respect...... this changes everything.
  8. If you want a real change of pace watch Ping Pong the animation.
  9. Hmm interesting, I prefer the modern pretty anime look. JoJo looks modern just with a different unique style. This new Gundam looks like it's straight from the 80's.
  10. You're not even trying to help this thread!
  11. Firefly, you can save this thread. You know what you have to do.
  12. This thread was a huge let down. It had a promising start but it really fell apart towards the middle when no one posted pics of themselves in hot lingerie. And the ending in my opinion was just awful. D - must try harder.
  13. So no one in the thread is going to post lingerie pics? Why do you guys do this to me?
  14. Know what else is a colossal failure? HxH's ratings. Zing.
  15. I think the dated art style is really going to hurt its chances of doing well.
  16. Unleash your rage Jman! Destroy HxH! HxH actually reminds me of a joke from an early Family guy episode where they lick toads to get high. "Dude I finally get Aarron Sorkin's sports night... it's a comedy that's TOO GOOD to be funny!" We just don't get HxH. It's a Shonen that's too good to be entertaining or have anything happen.
  17. BUT IT GETS SO GOOD AFTER ONLY 50 to 75 episodes!
  18. It probably is. I know IBO poisoned me against ever wanting to see another Gundam.
  19. DxD and Freezing uncensored back to back. The boobage power hour. Ratings gold right there. Will blow HxH and Gundam out of the water.
  20. Uncensored? Time for Highschool Dxd and Freezing uncensored then!
  21. Fairy Tail would do better than HxH and wouldn't lose to the 500th episode of Naruto. Wrecked.
  22. Lets all just agree that Naraku's terrible taste has ruined Toonami.
  23. Daos


    I played FF adventure on gameboy, one one the first gameboy games I played. Was pretty amazing at the time.
  24. Remember when they spent an entire episode opening a door? And then that time they spent half the episode on the phone? LOL this show.
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