Well it's like I keep saying... the current Toonami block just isn't very good. I like Kai and Jojo but Kai is basically a rerun of stuff I saw 20 years ago, and I can see why Jojo doesn't have huge mainstream appeal, it's more of a diehard anime fan anime. Jack is a nice step in the right direction though.
But from what I've seen of the two Gundam's so far... they're boring. Most people seem to consider Naruto trash and I've never bothered giving it a chance honestly. I was never into OP. Super is a shameless cash grab. HxH is boring. GITS SAC seems to be considered the worst of the series. Tokyo Ghoul starts strong but quickly turns into a long boring, awful slog.
So yeah, I can why he'd say the block isn't gripping or exciting.