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Everything posted by Daos

  1. Yeah and they marathon it so you would tune in and it would already be on one of the last episodes.... and you'd just be like.... what is this... a slice of life anime? Oh this looks cute I guess. Wait is that his sister? His real sister? Wait what are they doing? OH GOD NO. And to make it worse they show everything almost like it's Hentai. So yeah they have a lovely assortment of Incest, Lesbian, and Gay slave bondage anime. Try Toku today!
  2. Well it's like I keep saying... the current Toonami block just isn't very good. I like Kai and Jojo but Kai is basically a rerun of stuff I saw 20 years ago, and I can see why Jojo doesn't have huge mainstream appeal, it's more of a diehard anime fan anime. Jack is a nice step in the right direction though. But from what I've seen of the two Gundam's so far... they're boring. Most people seem to consider Naruto trash and I've never bothered giving it a chance honestly. I was never into OP. Super is a shameless cash grab. HxH is boring. GITS SAC seems to be considered the worst of the series. Tokyo Ghoul starts strong but quickly turns into a long boring, awful slog. So yeah, I can why he'd say the block isn't gripping or exciting.
  3. Who did he threaten, i missed it.
  4. It's best not to make sense of DBZ. At a power level of like... 100.... Roshi blew up the moon.
  5. Akame is at least 10x better than Ghoul, you shouldn't lump it in with that =P
  6. What's the point of getting a new show if you bury it at the bottom of the block? I assume it will run right after Kai.
  7. You're just now realizing that much of what Zeni says is soley for purposes of trolling? =P
  8. NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Oh well could be worse, could be IBO season 2.
  9. I thought the first episode had a lot of promise. I was like hmmmm ok I like where you're going with this..... and then the show never goes anywhere. At least, it didn't before I dropped it. And I was 8 or 9 eps in, I gave it a fair shot.
  10. Why would they? Ghoul is only 12 eps, they'll need a new show to replace it in 3 months unless they run S2, which is supposedly even worse.
  11. They don't need to expand. One piece is gone remember? Insert Ghoul above Jojo and everything below gets bumped down a notch. Naruto takes One pieces old slot, GITS stays at the rear.
  12. Except love it or hate it, it's actually had weeks where it beat HxH in the ratings. It's here to stay.
  13. I say no way they bury a new series like that. If anything it's going to place above JoJo and bump everything down one. That's my guess.
  14. Ha careful, HxH has some rabid fans on here! But yes, I've always believed that your show shouldn't go on for hundreds of episodes unless there's some incredibly compelling reason it NEEDS to be that long in order to tell a good story. Which is basically never in my experience. Can anyone seriously tell me that OP needed 700 episodes to tell the story it's told up until now? I get that the short runners cost too much to have all the time, but haviing an entire block of these long runners is just death.
  15. You guys really think they're gonna bury their new series in One Pieces time slot? Is this confirmed already? =P
  16. Oh wow, they already made a movie about Jman and Moose's relationship and how this all went down.
  17. So my question for the ratings experts is.... were the ratings actually low for the timeslot? What is your consensus SIRS?
  18. Girl power... so Madoka? Railgun? Ya know... popular stuff? If you play popular stuff you'll get viewers.
  19. That is kind of a dick move. It implies that the ratings weren't good enough to justify airing it for its timeslot, which they probably were. It had the same drop off most of the other shows had. Don't get me wrong I support axing it and pretty much everything except Kai and Jojo, but if you're just going to replace it with crap like TG don't bother.
  20. It finds itself in a whole new dilemma now.
  21. Was it zero? I'm guessing zero.
  22. It's not nearly as coherent or entertaining as SAO or AGK. Also the MC is one of those chronic whiner MC's. Prepare to have your hopes dashed.
  23. Get ready for 10 hours of conversation about eating flesh.
  24. I think the thing that cemented it's demise was when it was getting soundly beaten by One Punch man reruns at a worse time slot.
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