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Everything posted by Daos

  1. After those ratings lets hope they stop with the Gundam after Unicorn is done.
  2. Time to eat suicide victims.
  3. We can't even figure out how to make a decent Superman movie.
  4. Except he cares about his friends and their feelings too much to be a sociopath. He's just a badly written and inconsistent character that does whatever the author thinks is cool at any given time. The reason the current episodes are much better than the first 40 episodes is that aside from the better pacing and the fact that stuff actually happens.... Gon and Killua aren't in it. And did you see the scene with Kurapica actually remembering his dead comrades despite the fact that he didn't know them long? Death was actually acknowledged as something that matters in HxH!
  5. It has no memorable characters and nothing memorable happens. After watching 9 episodes a couple years ago I can barely remember anything about this show other than the MC whining and endless talk of eating flesh. It's a giant sack of blah.
  6. MC whining, eating flesh, and vomiting. Sums up this series.
  7. i know... they really oversold his useless ass.
  8. This episode will never be shown on Nick.
  9. It's crashing pretty hard, down to 42 percent. Can it go as low as DBZ evolution at 14 percent? Time shall tell!
  10. Was 67 percent when I first saw it. It's at 46 and falling. Maybe they let the most friendly reviewers screen it first.
  11. The first 20 something reviews are out, and shockingly they're not hating it. Apparently it's a visually stunning but formulaic revenge plot movie. At the very least it will be better than DBZ evolution.
  12. Oh hey some reviews are out. Here's a positive one from rotten tomatoes. "A here-and-now valentine to what design wizardry Hollywood can pull off in 2017. At the same time, it does so in service of a tired tale full of repurposed visual tricks, storytelling clichés and big-studio concessions."
  13. Hah! Yup was wondering where the reviews were. Bombs away then. Wasn't a good franchise to try and go live action with anyway.
  14. I didn't see Lucy, but It's an awful idea when your entire movie is based on the "Human beings only use 15 percent of their brain" nonsense which was debunked many, many years ago.
  15. I'm going to say it debut's at 2... possibly even 1 due to lack of competition. Followed by scathing critic reviews and a massive drop off the next week. Critically and Commercially I say... bombs away and it doesn't break even. That's my best guess.
  16. And let us never forget.
  17. Let's just say Japan is "old fashioned" and leave it at that =P
  18. Eh, to the people on here it is. If you haven't noticed a lot of the people that peruse these boards are the special snowflake types.... and they do not take kindly to people badmouthing their shows. Remember right before Moose got banned, he said Super sucked, and Buu freaked out and blocked him? That sort of thing. But this is also why Zeni always targets the most popular show and ALWAYS gets an assload of responses no matter how blatant and obvious what he's doing is.
  19. That's a shame, reminds me of the author of Familiar of Zero dying before finishing. Highschool of the dead will definitely go down as one of the best of the harem anime.
  20. I tried to stick it out after the beginning seemed good enough, but yeah this anime just goes nowhere.
  21. Why do you guys take Zeni's trolling seriously.? Bustin makes him feel good.
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