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Everything posted by Daos

  1. I dropped the show around ep 9, so It's all new to me after that. Also the MC is Ayumu from" Is this a zombie" and Accelerator, it's all I can hear when he talks.
  2. Speaking of plot holes, good thing that ghoul was standing in the exact spot where those beams would hit her eh?
  3. If you hate Videl you'll love the next episode.
  4. I'll comment. Seems pretty stupid and pointless.
  5. Have you seen Buu saga before? Tons of memorable fights =P
  6. I also hate this whole "their punches will destroy the universe" nonsense. Aside from being stupid it's interrupting the fight and basically a way to create filler and drag this out.
  7. Whatttttttttttttttttttttt. How could they be worse than what I'm seeing? These are practically still shots.
  8. Yup this episode sucked. How many shots were there of Beerus and Goku just screaming? Like 10? After all the money DBZ has made over several decades.... how can they justify the poor animation? This is just blatant exploitation of a beloved franchise.
  9. A lot of reviewers actually compare Ghoul and Parasyte, saying that Ghoul is basically a really bad version of it.
  10. Tsk, kickin em when they're down.
  11. Considering there are no Namekian females.... is it safe to assume that Piccolo literally has no dick?
  12. 250k drop from Jack to Super? Isn't that somewhat bad?
  13. After Freiza probably? I mean, the entire series is a shameless cash grab banking on the popularity of the characters... so my guess is ...................never.
  14. Yeah Shuffle is pretty good, I just rewatched it actually. I like how the premise is completely batshit crazy with the god and demon world, but they don't even spend much time on it. It's just like.. yup god world.. demon world... their kids go to school with us now... its no big thing. Everyone is totally cool with it. And that twist with Kaede was out of left field and pretty awesome. English VA did a great job with her.
  15. Offtopic, but how did you like Shuffle Starwind?
  16. Well aside from the fact that they endlessly talk about eating flesh.. it's like ok we get it.. you're ghouls, you have to eat flesh. But there's also the amount of time they spend on talking about how human food makes them vomit. So eating flesh and vomiting. Remember that!
  17. The first episode is actually pretty good. The only reason I stuck around for 9 episodes was due to that first ep.
  18. Yeah this is the first time I was watching HxH out of the corner of my eye thinking.. wait... is something interesting happening? On HxH? That can't be right.
  19. It isn't. It's almost Dimension W level of bad and Casshern sins level of boring. I watched every episode of school days. I dropped TG around episode 9.
  20. Supreme Kai acting cool before he turns into a powerless loser in 5 eps.
  21. The tuning fork/sword he took from the robot last ep. He started hitting all the walls with it.
  22. Nope you're all wrong. It's ninjas. America's love with ninjas can not be denied.
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