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Everything posted by Daos

  1. If the author is to be believed, it was actually doing well in Japan, and was popular on Crunchyroll. http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-feature/2017/05/01-1/feature-found-in-translation-the-reason-why-the-keijo-manga-ended
  2. I actually thought she was talking with a country accent in the flashback? It was just a bit on the subtle side.
  3. It's possible he's trying to One Piece/ Naruto/ Fairy Tail this thing and draw it out for as long as he can.
  4. I heard the author was going to have everyone die and humanity lose to the Titans.... but then the show got popular and that idea was out the window.
  5. I thought they got that over decently. In the flashback she was talking in kind of a country accent that Sasha doesn't normally talk in. I assumed the "reinventing herself" comment was about that.
  6. I like Kai Titan and Jack. That's about it. The last 2 hours of the lineup I basically just ignore.
  7. Believe it or not this show was like... the 4th best selling manga back around 2014 or so. Japan loved it. They're even releasing a live action movie http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2017/04/26-1/tokyo-ghoul-live-action-film-releases-teaser-visual-more-cast-photos
  8. It's a fatal flaw of the series. We're supposed to feel bad for the poor ghouls because they're discriminated against. But they should be. They eat people. Live ones. Suicide victims. And they have super powers and are all really hard to kill. And a lot of them are insane assholes. So i get why people don't want them around.
  9. This show doesn't have a single likable or memorable character does it?
  10. Dabura is the same VA? Sounds different... and not as good as the original which is odd, usually the Kai voice acting is superior.
  11. The reception for Jack and Titan has been overwhelmingly positive. Same with Jojo. There's tons of people on these forums that like pretty much everything, even Dimension W. Wait a minute.... you must be the one with 10 accounts on Tumblr that requested TG! You son of a bitch. You almost got away with it.
  12. Ghoul is doing fine in the ratings. No one's bashing it because of it's ratings. No one's bashing it because it doesn't "fit" Toonami. We're bashing it because it's terrible.
  13. They're lucky anyone uses UE considering the boards are down about 3x a day.
  14. "a mad scientist puts her organs in Kaneki's body for....no reason" I think it was just a doctor at the hospital who decided to do a completely illegal organ transplant for no reason. And somehow all her organs survived despite the fact that she was crushed by 10k lbs of steel beams. And somehow she was standing in the exact right place to get hit by these steel beams.
  15. Either romantic or possibly Ashi sacrifices herself to save Jack at some point, the very person she spent her entire life trying to kill. Jack did kill all of her sisters, so that makes me think that a romantic relationship isn't a 100 percent certainty. It's pretty awkward sitting around the dinner table and being like.. hey remember that time I killed your sisters? That was crazy right?
  16. Apparently that quote was either mistranslated or made by an imposter, as the author now says the anime sucking did not get the manga cancelled.
  17. Japanese love sports themed anime. The problem here... is this wasn't a real sport so it had no built in fanbase. So that was the first thing working against it. The second was no male MC, so no harem type antics or relationship drama going on and lets face it that's a big deal in lighthearted anime like this. And from what people are saying it wasn't particularly compelling plot wise either.
  18. That's pretty depressing considering the non filler was awful so far.
  19. So the rumors weren't super accurate. http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2017/04/26-1/keijo-author-sets-the-record-straight-about-mangas-ending
  20. Having AOT debut as the 4th show was just insanity.
  21. Just in case you guys never saw the full clip.
  22. " Tokyo Ghoul deserves better than less than 300K 18-34" No.. no it does not.
  23. I have zero interest in ever seeing another Gundam show after IBO and Unicorn. They're boring. Even if I knew and cared what was going on... they'd still be boring. And to top it off... they're ratings poison. So why keep airing them?
  24. Whoa whoa whoa are you knocking Exo squad? That show was awesome. It had tons of adult themes and people actually died. There was no other cartoon like it. It was more anime than a US cartoon.
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