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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. That "0 days since..." pic? I honestly thought I was helping.
  2. I remember when my high school's porn blocker got me for searching for guitar tabs to Dio songs.
  3. @Sawdamizer
  4. You and I both know damn well you don'r want a clown react for levity. Anyway, we need a shocked react, something similar too: 😲
  5. Because he's grabbing his woman's almost bare butt in public.
  6. Dude, even I've seen that movie. That and the 1989 remake are the only zombie movies I've ever seen.
  7. It sounds cooler that way though. Happ-douken birthday, Ryu!
  8. Is "Mittwoch" German for Meatwad?
  9. Dang you made out better than I did. I had moderna, and each shot my arm was REALLY sore the next day and a little sore the next day or two after. No other side effects.
  10. @NaBoats I'm going to guess the dv is because I typed "out" when I meant to type "about" and maybe you took that as me saying you were making out with the rock, which is not at all what I intended.... Because you totally did make a thread about an algae encrusted rock sent to you by rainman.
  11. Your hair's starting to get a little long. I dig it.
  12. EDIT: I guess the comment about how the photographer came across a dead hedgehog wasn't part of the pic....
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