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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I'm pretty sure The Simpsons themselves basically said Gerald Ford is the Homer Simpson of presidents.
  2. I guess he now knows how Mexicans and Muslims felt by Trump speeches.
  3. I firmly believe this. What about the Victorian era when guys were creaming themselves over women's ankles?
  4. That is literally all you ever do, and have done for, what, two years?
  5. I thought it was a hi-5 emoji so maybe phil did too.
  6. Assuming you're the one driving/picking the music, I advise you get a bluetooth FM transmitter that plugs into the cigarette lighter in your car. Play your music from your phone through your car's sound system. Get one with a USB port to keep your phone charged while you drive and use it.
  7. I thought "supposedly" the cult all love him so much because he's so mean.
  8. That whole skin condition as well as Neverland Ranch didn't do Michael Jackson any favors.
  9. My nose. Wait I just realized I may have misunderstood this. I originally took it as how am I going to pay for cocaine, because drug dealers don't take any other form of payment, I'm assuming. Then I realized you might mean rolling up a dollar bill and using it as a nose straw. Ok, I'll experiment with joint rolling papers. See if that works.
  10. I work the night shift and one time last winter we lost power for like an hour. People started getting real cold.
  11. I sometimes remember them. I can safely say you haven't been in any of them.
  12. No limit because I want to eliminate ever having a need for cash.
  13. Probably not. They were (maybe still are) active in the discord under that handle and avatar.
  14. Aladdin on SNES was the first video game I ever beat (I had the NES since a toddler but I never beat any NES games until I went back and revisited as an older teen.... first NES game I beat was most likely either Mega Man 2 or Zelda 1). I thought SNES Aladdin was a pretty good game but never played the Genesis version so can't comment. Earthworm Jim had a reputation for the SNES version being great but the Genesis version being even better. Never played the Genesis version but the SNES version was one of my favorite games.
  15. In the article in the OP it states they die because they mate in the water where they use too much energy and drown.
  16. Is that the time zone they use in hell?
  17. This one's for you, buddy.
  18. So that begs the question, why didn't they just mate on land?
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