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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I don't, but I still buy CDs.
  2. Love it. Love everything about it.
  3. It's been pretty decent. I have a neighbor I'm pretty cool with, not annoying at all. No roommates. I didn't want any, I figured I'd drive any roommates crazy with my slobbishness (I don't think that's a word).
  4. Anything in the video about the movie is actually completely unrelated to the song. A band just named themselves after it and wrote a song with the same name. The fan who made the video just put the two together.
  5. Snails need to fuck the fuck off. I'm tired off accidentally crunching their stupid asses under my shoe every fucking day. What kind of stupid ass life form exists where 9 times out of 10 it's murdered, that murder is completely accidental? How are these dumb fucks not extinct by now? And on a completely unrelated note, Froot Loops are still just as delicious as a middle-aged adult as when I was a little kid.
  6. Robert E. O. Speedwagon is the greatest character name of all time.
  7. Why is the manga/anime Bleach, called Bleach?
  8. Any daddy issues I might have are pretty minor, overall we have a pretty great relationship. I finally moved out of my parents' house into my own apartment last September. Had nothing to do with needing to get away from them, just trying to grow up.
  9. Don't think I've ever seen that, thanks. Another case of unfunny parent replaced with funny parent, lol. If they reshot that with Jerry Stiller, I wonder why they didn't do that with Morty Seinfeld.
  10. Well if you want to get technical in Estelle's first appearance in the show she was blonde (same actress though). I don't remember someone else as Frank, but there was someone else that played Morty Seinfeld that was about -9000% as funny as the guy that ended up with the part.
  11. It's a chord. E minor 7 add 4. Happy birthday!
  12. Both of George Costanza's parents have red hair, but George's hair is brown. How did that happen?
  13. Who would you say was the best Joker? Let's see how unpopular your opinions really are!
  14. There must be a cricket somewhere in my apartment. The chirping is way too loud to be coming from outside. It's a good thing I always sleep with the TV on because If I was used to sleeping in silence this would probably drive me nuts.
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