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Everything posted by SnapItCrackItPopIt

  1. We probably talked, but I honestly can't remember. My ASMB nick at the time was SesshomaruLover and my YIM was InuBebopFan4Lyfe. Oh man, SUCH CRINGE.
  2. UGH! Don't do that to me!!! ohno
  3. I used AIM mainly for buddies from anime forums. YIM, however, I used for people from ASMB. I remember the YIM group chats with folks from IB around 10+ years ago. I can't believe it has been that long! I miss em'!
  4. I do not remember any of my past AIM usernames. While I do remember my past online buddies by their forum usernames, I do not remember their AIM usernames either. It's just the way it goes.
  5. In all seriousness, there was a big ass spider on the outside wall of the apartment next to mine when I came home from church today. It's gone now and I don't know where it went. ohno
  6. Where has that weirdo been? Why isn't he responding lately?
  7. Didn't he just get charged with rape recently?
  8. I'm making this for Sunday dinner tomorrow: What are you guys going to do for dinner?
  9. This is the tea: It also is great paired with either this tea: Or, this tea: The possibilities are endless! Enjoy. <3
  10. I don't know about you guys, but this sleep inducing tea I purchased is the best thing ever.
  11. Ceiling cat is watching you...
  13. I'm working on it @Cau!
  14. Your friend must have an awesome cat...
  15. The more I think about it, the more I'm starting to believe I have never experienced an unexplained phenomenon that was scary. I've never seen a demon, have a ghost taunt me, and I definitely haven't had my fridge lifted up and thrown halfway across the room. If anything, I've experienced unexplained phenomenon that was weird. A moment of deja vu, a dream of multi-dimensional travel that felt way too real, and an occasional blacker than black shadow roaming through the night. My brother has always said that it isn't the dead you need to be afraid of but the living and I agree. Even when walking through the most eeriest of cemeteries, I still feel no fear such as the fear of being stalk, being frozen in place from fight or flight, and being confronted by a random, crazy person unprovoked. You see, you can about predict the spirit world and even partake in prevention to keep yourself self. Classic rules such as staying away from the Ouija board, saying your nightly prayers, and just leaving the paranormal alone. When it comes the living world, however, no amount of prevention can truly keep you safe. Even having a gun doesn't deter the most deadliest humans. No, all a human needs is a will, a way, and a don't give a damn attitude for them to be the most scariest thing ever.
  16. Discord is where it's at!
  17. You can cuddle with me. <3
  18. I'm ready to rate that GIF in the signature instead. Interesting username you go there, bud...
  19. Does anybody remember the hot chick web cam spambots? Oh man, those were ANNOYING. I use to enjoy getting extra creative with my away messages. Even my different AIM usernames were creative. I remember the days I could come up with a creative nick on the fly for any online chat platform but I can't even do that anymore.
  20. I read the update and wow. I'm sorry you have to put up with that.
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