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Everything posted by rpgamer

  1. Precautionary. Or prescription happy. People would stop getting checked if they were hit with antiviral prices.
  2. He's been stiff for years.
  3. Most people grow out of these "epiphanies" by your age.
  4. Yeah. Looking forward to that, too. I've even seen some that have ssd and a slot for hdd, which might be useful for the drive I cannibalised out of my last laptop. Thanks for the opinion. I figure worst case, just out a little bit if the power board isn't a fix; best case, I end up with a backup computer. Maybe I'll use it just for music or something. Might actually be nice if new one doesn't have an optical drive.
  5. Yeah. Was thinking that. The power jack board is pretty small/cheap. Doesn't even need soldering, unless the disconnect is after that board connects to the mb. Guide I followed to get to the part, for reference. Probably will end up getting something new anyway. Don't think I want to be without computer until I troubleshoot all I can.
  6. Well yeah. But, convenience factor. If I could build a tower that allowed me to use it without being stuck to the desk, I would. But the whole lightweight monitor/keyboard setup seems elusive. I would love having the form factor with actual power. Coincidentally, couple models I'm looking at are Asus and MSI.
  7. Well this place looks active. But for a last ditch effort/opinion, here goes. Laptop, Asus, N53JQ. Problem: suddenly shut down, does not power on, not even an led indicating it's getting power. Usually runs plugged in without battery, not a battery problem. Have no means of testing the power supply, but it was replaced only a couple years ago, seems unlikely to have developed an instantly fatal error. Expecting it to be a motherboard problem. Seems a common cause of death in laptops. So yeah, expecting this to be a brick situation, had started looking at new laptops anyway. But, question I have is, could this possibly be solved by replacing the dc power jack instead? Or is the problem likely deeper than that on the board itself? Disassembled the rig easy enough, finding and replacing that part seems doable, if I haven't ruined anything else in the process. But if that doesn't do what I'm thinking it does, would be a waste if there's no likely chance of revival.
  8. He is. I'll own up to that. I wouda said I'm just here for shitposting, same as everyone, but then the circle of hypocrisy just keeps on turning. 3 or 4.
  9. What topic? The last dozen posts or so are just trying to smear that turd over every surface.
  10. Don't you people ever get tired of spreading so much shit all over the walls?
  11. The old fashioned way, dammit! With lots of yelling, flashbacks, dragging the good fights out into tedium, and drivers ed filler.
  12. Being written by different people doesn't stop anyone from believing Event Horizon was a prequel to the Warhammer 40k universe.
  13. Ok, seriously, though, what is up with this show and all the fluff? Feels like every episode, there's some chunk that just doesn't contribute anything to anything. The entire first fight in this was just a throwaway (lolpun). Every week, seems like writers just needed to pad things out.
  14. I don't think anyone should expect this to hit some magical ASMB heyday numbers. How many new people were the boards pulling in in its final years? Even hoping for some users to return might be a bit much. This place still has the same trash that gives off the same tone that kept people away in the first place. The solution probably isn't being elitist about it and kicking out users that everyone hates. But, just saying, makes it harder for anyone to want to come back to this toxic shitshow.
  15. Dunno if it's a rank privilege or something else, but from my end, DF doesn't even show up anywhere.
  16. It was never any good to begin with. But it was the hilarious kind of bad.
  17. Alphas are a myth, yo. .
  18. I expect this to be the new WIND SCAR for the boards.
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