Well this place looks active. But for a last ditch effort/opinion, here goes.
Laptop, Asus, N53JQ. Problem: suddenly shut down, does not power on, not even an led indicating it's getting power.
Usually runs plugged in without battery, not a battery problem. Have no means of testing the power supply, but it was replaced only a couple years ago, seems unlikely to have developed an instantly fatal error.
Expecting it to be a motherboard problem. Seems a common cause of death in laptops.
So yeah, expecting this to be a brick situation, had started looking at new laptops anyway.
But, question I have is, could this possibly be solved by replacing the dc power jack instead? Or is the problem likely deeper than that on the board itself?
Disassembled the rig easy enough, finding and replacing that part seems doable, if I haven't ruined anything else in the process. But if that doesn't do what I'm thinking it does, would be a waste if there's no likely chance of revival.