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Everything posted by Cidz
Thx for making this thread btw! Also whos burlybob? And its nice to see soma my old asmb friends i thought i lost touch with u guys like chapperz and jingy and viper. But idk maybe u all go by diff names. I rarely come by here bc idk who anyone is and idk what to say so i just end up lurking sometimes lol. I miss asmb and all the ppl i talked to! Sorry for being absent lol (but if anyone wants to text me just pm me and ill give u my# if u ever wanna chat) And i had a great bday pretty lowkey but i had fun. At the end of the day i got to even see some whales yay!
Ur wrong! Haha! Tbh i wouldnt tho if cac didnt text me the link >_>
Omgah chapperz u kno me so well lol! And thank youuuuu everyone! Lol im suprised anyone here still rmbs me let alone my bday! Lets all pretend im 25 today lolz.
Happy bday ghostrek!! I hope godzilla and kagome throw u a suprise bday party!
Mario bros for nes. Still have it and the consol too i got as a kid.
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
Cidz replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
They showed mind games!? Oh wow nvr woulda thought theyd show an anime like that. Tho the tripiness suited [as] idk if itd suit toonami bc theyre usually more shounen. Was it bc of flcl? I havent seen the new one but i heard its good. I havent had cable in yrs. So i usually watch anime thru my ps4 on hulu, netflix, etc... It be cool if toonami was willing to show more "wierd" animes like kaiba or dont think they can show devilman crybaby its netflix plus waaaaay not tv appropriate. -
I just finished the series last night. I now know why its called devilman crybaby.
For sure persona 5 anime bc i was playing the game. I should prolly finish it before it starts. Also this other anime i was reading the manga of it was cute bout the otaku couple
Watched it for the lolzwtf sexual induendo but its actually an entertaining series. Reminds me of eureka 7 and nge u kno whiney boy falls for mysterious not quite fully human chick pilots mecha saves world. I didnt know there was a dub might check that out.
I caught up to darling in the franxx. Thinking bout watching erased
Idk i think ima millenial but tbh theres a huge diff between someone like me borm in 1985 to someone born in 2005. I still grew up without cellphones and dial up internet. Bit maybe im just a grouchy old lady now that doesnt wanna be grouped in with 20 something yr olds lol
It wasnt a bad year for me. My bf got a steady job and still has it yay! I moved into a pretty nice apt that accepts sec8 and pets! So super yay! Other than that tho its been another normal year.
Oh ya does seem to work pretty well now on my phone yay!
Hi im here! Here i am! I have posted! Baibai~ My laptop broke a year ago so i just have a phone. Forgot bout this place tbh (Also mewnz teez and falcheh had distinct post styles. Idk who tf tgese ppl are that were mentioned except scrappy.)
What do you miss about Adult Swim Message Boards?
Cidz replied to Danger_Jules's topic in ASMB 20th Reunion
omg i forgot about that. wasnt that the social thingy where u had to be like at least 18? idk. i miss that too... i miss, how active it was, how i had fun talking to ppl. how i looked forward to something when i got home from school or whatever. i miss the spamming, i miss being a big ol spammer fangirl and spamming with the best of em lol. the late night spam sessions with justin, mewnz, teez, etc... waking up the next morning seeing the damaged and the confused look on ADers faces. i miss the ADers i miss all the ppl i talked to. i know some of u guys still come on here, and i still talk to some of u thru text and theres some on FB but idk its not the same. everyones scattered now. i miss how i could talk to all of u on ASMB. i miss how AD use to be before the folder split. i even miss it after the folder split. i miss Tryble and my unhealthy obsession with him lol. i miss fangirling him and stalking him and prolly annoying tf outta him. i miss that night i spammed with KN and viper and justin when they hacked IB lol. i know i got permybantz for it but i kinda missed that and had fun. i miss when id sneak over to IB and it ws super active and i knew ppl there and i could spam with namey, sllew, and all the other IBers. i even miss OA when i started going over there after AD split up and slowed down. i miss being so excited for saturday night and the lineup. i miss discussion shows like blood+ and death note with everyone. i miss the nina x table kun fanclub i made for lolz but ended up surviving haha. i miss fangirling animaynz and actually being excited over them esp the megane ones (lol i still am >_> but more lowkey....??) idk i could go on and on and on with everything i miss about ASMB i just miss it in general haha. this isnt rly strictly ASMB but i do miss talking to all the ASMBers on AIM. I mise seeing so many ppl online and being able to talk to them on there. -
oh man my bf and i went to see it recently such a good movie! it was horror done right. it wasnt...scary really but...well as my manager put it, distubring and it was. i liked the more unsettling uneasiness of it rather than quick jump scares (there were a couple? but done right) i liked how It wasnt just scaring kids for the sake of being a scary monster, theres reason behind it. i loved how, the kids actually sounded and acted like kids. they cursed, made terrible your mom jokes and insults. they really felt like 12-13 yr old boys. the girl too was great haha. it also mixed some humor in with it too which i liked. idk i know some ppl dont like it but i like humor mixed in with horror. im a big fan of horror movies esp those from the 70s and 80s so i wasnt sure what to make of this remake. but good job! i cant wait for chapter 2! i liked how the focused soley on the kids and decided to break it into two movies rather than 1 giving it a chance to focus more on the chars. i havent read the book? i kinda wanna now but idk man its over 1000 pages thats more of a lifetime commitement!
ive only ever read the damnation game by him. but it was a really good book. he writes some pretty grotesque stuff like monsters made outta cum and poop stuff like that. but yeah it was very intersting read and i wish it would be made into a movie. my friend read a bunch of his books and really liked them all. ive seen some of his movies i liked nightbreed and um there was another one about a magician?
awww dun worry bby im here now. im all this place needs <3
ommggoodess too cuuuteeeeee i wish i could have that sorta set upfor my cat haha!
Ok so I just watched the movie today with my boyfriend. Now my bfs never seen the anime so he enjoyed the movie. Ive seen the anime. hmmm....theres things i liked and didnt..... HUGE MOVIE AND ANIME SPOILERS AHEAD SO CLICK THAT SPOILER BUTTON AT YOUR OWN RISK.
J. Michael - Thoughts & Condolences
Cidz replied to StarPanda's topic in UEMB.com Community Discussion
Ok so, I wanted to write something more about his death than "this sucks..." but really I'm not sure what to say tht wasnt said already. He was a pretty cool guy. I didn't know him too well, but always secretly wished we could be friends >_> ofc my attempt at that was HAI LUUUVVV I LUV UUU HEARZ MAHI ALT FOR J0000000!!111!!!!!!!!!!! so thank you luuv for taking my fangirling of you in stride and knowing that i wasnt completely serious. but, that was the thing about luuv. He, to me, felt like a normal user than a mod. I felt like he was the type of person you could talk to and joke around with. He also seemed like a pretty fair guy, at least giving reason as to why he would do what he did as far as modding asmb. Hed have a reason (whether you liked it or not) why he banned you or whatever. I never felt like he played favorites. It was nice that he took part of show discussions, hopped around boards, etc... I guess, its just... yeah ok i suck at this sorry haha. Anyway, ASMB meant a lot to him, he even tried keeping it going in his own way with this forum. Even after it went down hill, and furthered rolled down hill he kept ASMB going the best he could. So thank you luuv, thanks for keeping ASMB going even if its not...ASMB anymore. Also it seems like, he really wasnt one for big ceramonies. some people are like that. I'm kind of like that too tbh. just throw me in a dumpster when im done. Also, does anyone know the exact cause of death? I heard natural causes, perhaps heartattack? he wasnt very old, but heart attacks can happen at any age. Well, still thanks for keeping us up to date. Im sure he knew we appreciated him and all he did for the community. -
J. Michael - Thoughts & Condolences
Cidz replied to StarPanda's topic in UEMB.com Community Discussion
Well....this sucks. Just found out yesterday right before leaving work I thought it was a joke hoping it was I liked luuv I'd like to write more but gotta head back to work -
Yomiko readman!! Fine choice for a waifu! I always wanted to try cosplaying her bc we both wear glasses and have messy hair lol
Lol ADers i rmb when we had an AD I rmb other boards being confused by us lol so i made a thread explaining our weeby humor and memes and jargon lol. But ya glad ur still around lacks! I know u added me on fb? But idk lotta ppls real names Sooo im nvr sure whose from asmb and wut their usernames were on there