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Everything posted by Cidz

  1. Laaackkzzz im gewd im gewd Jus working getting more money but less rest lol. How bout u?
  2. Thxthx. Didnt u have a bday recently? Happy bday if so
  3. Caught up on love tyrant And um wutsitcalled girl beats boy?
  4. Cidz


    Meow! Meowmeowmeow meow? Meeoowwwww <3 <3
  5. Oh thats good! U still doing youtube vids?
  6. Yassssss thata the spirit mewnz!!!! *tnrows boxes at windows n ppl* :420: :beer: O0
  7. Lol orite i sometimes forget who the pres is.... Sigh And now im rmbing again
  8. Lol gewd we need a pres that knows his polidicks
  9. Are u suurree? This guys a Dickspert I herd he even advised the potus dix before ::spin::
  10. Yas Wut a grate manz he is Lyk totz impotrantz tew has tipx fir dix lolz
  11. Cidz


    Okeh I will if u will
  12. Dont feel bad i got dick pix tooo
  13. pfftt they were jus jelly bc what luuveh n i have is pure <3<3<3
  14. Omgah this y i luv penguins Bc even they got 2d waifus <3
  15. Helloo to u too! Glad lotsa asmbers still here
  16. Ya they're a nice pair
  17. Baaah he should nvr be too busy to welcome me back! Also can i just say over the yrs im surprised luuvs nvr banned me for harrassing him with my undying devotion lol
  18. Ask and ye shall receive!!
  19. Yass yes we do Btw where is mah darling luuvveeh?? Why he no greet me Hes so tsundere <3
  20. Mewwnnzeehhhhhh Ofc it is. Its bc i left it. Dont worreh im here Lets mess this place up! ?
  21. Why hello there Idk who u are? Or do i?
  22. Hey ghosty!! Inorite?? How are u? U get back to kagome godzilla stories?
  23. Heey cac Ya ofc Gotta see how my kingdom is holding up lol
  24. Idk wuts going on But i like it
  25. Good to know some things nvr change lol
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