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Everything posted by Cidz

  1. inorite? hopefully!!!
  2. omg anime of the year.
  3. yeah but, when ya hear about it, it does kinda sound hallerious. like not funny if ur there, but if you hear about it, yeah i mean imagine a big ol black dude tryna come after some tiny little chubby white guy who yells the N word and huffs off lol. and ur there tryna hold him back like "its not worth it man its not worth it." its....a little amusing.
  4. that whole scenario sounds like a comedic routine. black dude should use it next time. sounds hallerious.
  5. none sense! you could totally be google if you wished hard enough! i believe in you! and that makes sense. eh ill just find it somewhere to stream illegally nbd.
  6. ah, do you think itll ever come on hulu? or is it just on cbs streaming service?
  7. oh yeah i heard of that. they made a book about it? cute i think i might read it then. there should still be a book about taking a gay penguin to lunch tho.
  8. so is that a book where u take a gay penguin to lunch? bc that sounds amazing.
  9. Cidz

    Spring 2019

    for sure fruits basket. idk about the rest havent had a chance to properly go thru the list. edit: ok i went thru the list. ah theres quite a few im interested in. i doubt ill end up watching all as airing. i might just wait till some are finished but so far theyre: Carole & Tuesday Kimetsu no Yaiba Shoumetsu Toshi Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Senryuu Shoujo Hitoribocchi no ○○ Seikatsu Sarazanmai Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Joshikausei
  10. cool. i just finished watching the anime. its a rly good one. def had me in suspense each ep.
  11. and yeah i think this ones a sleeper hit. bc alotta ppl think its gonna be all fluff but it has heart too.
  12. last ep is out. it gave me too much feels i cried for like the entire ep no joke lol. it was toooo touching!!! T_______T
  13. lol i honestly wanted a trash drama animu so im not rly looking for quality with domestic gf. promised neverland is rly good! i waited awhile to watch but i was bored and i heard good things. like every ep. has me on pins and needles lol. im watching kaguya sama too and that ones fun and cute. but my roomate is a cat is best anime ever.
  14. well im working on it! im watching like a few as airing shows lol. tho a couple i recently just marathoned and caught up like domestic gf and promised neverland
  15. lol i know. but i dont watch that much anime anyways...so i nvr rly thought i had to bother.
  16. i cant rmb all that ive seen tho since the last time i updated it. i did kinda wanna rehaul my anime list tho. bc theres some animes im watching and sometimes i forget what ep im on.
  17. here it is subbed and dubbed. and i watched claymore yearrrrss ago. it was a really good anime and have been thinking of rewatching it.
  18. oh ya i guess i did. finally signed into MAL after so long lol even forgot my pw.
  19. @Ric yeah it should be easy to get through the series it just aired ep 11 and i think next week is the last ep. plus i think it airs early in the week idr. but if not then i can give u a link to where im watchin it.
  20. i miss the feeling of going into a music store and browsing the cds and discovering artists sometimes. or like going to best buy and buying like old classic rock cds for like 10$ and under. but i think i miss the feeling of discovering music that was new to me more than the actual buying of cds. tho i do agree that i do enjoy physical copies of things more still. even tho digital copies are nice and im not gonna pretend i dont get those either. its always nice to have something to hold in my hand, and to look at the artwork, and browse thru the booklet.
  21. i finally caught up i was a bit behind bc i was without internet for a week. and yeah, like idk why but i cry every ep. lol. but this one especially! whenever he cries about his parents i end up crying about his parents too T___T i feel like i can relate to subaru, and how hard it is for me to get outta the house, but little by little i started to go out more.
  22. yay!! i hope u cont to enjoy it. lemme know.
  23. its been quite awhile since i read the manga and watched the anime. but i rmb really loving it at the time. i had read the manga first than watched the anime. it was alotta fun to watch. it wasnt anything like mind blowing or like iconic. but it was fun. plus yuno is mai waifu <3 lol
  24. inorite? especially if its not as popular and cant find many ppl that watch it. although i thought id at least find a thread about promised neverland finally caught up to it, seemed like it was popular. but no one talks about it i guess odd
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