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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. Bold Jumping Spider. Kill it with fire.
  2. Wouldn't it be 'Alcatraz Escapes From Fuggs' ?
  3. I've passed out before. I hate doctors with a passion. Real fainting sucks. Anyway, I found quite a number of videos about this. This was the one I was thinking of but there's been a few. In this case, it wasn't a stroke but believed to have been a seizure. Other videos of similar instances turned out to be strokes.
  4. That didn't look like a 'faint' though. The last time someone did that on aire, it turned out to be a mini stroke in their brain. whut
  5. I thought I had done all the human shopping but once nieces and nephews get old enough to use their parents phones, suddenly it's time to call Auntie Strange for last minute 'I really like this....' calls. So I'm mostly done. Until the phone rings again.
  6. He got the 'cologne' at a dollar discount store. In the bargain bin.
  7. Tiny bottle babby! I want to cuddle that puff so badly right now. That little carpet panther is going to grow up to be so massive.
  8. Kick him in the tip. That'll learn him.
  9. We had some wild gerbils in the swamp for a bit. Someone had gerbils and they decided to let them go when they were bored with them. They bred all over the place and then I think they died off. All I know is the cats would bring home dead ones for the longest time.
  10. Yeah, I didn't get any trick or treaters here either. Which is insane considering the number of window lickers the area is infested with. The ol' cloak is hanging by the door just in case but anyone knocks on the door now, they'll be dealing with the flannel pajama monster. > Imma gonna drink mountain spew and eat peanut butter cups until I don't feel feels anymore.
  11. I'm lucky in that I've read the Tokyo Ghoul manga and the light novels and have started TG:re. They all help to fill in the blanks at least. I don't think there's ever really enough time in the course of what is allowed in an anime to really get into great detail if there are a lot of characters. There's always going to be that one person somewhere who screams about how some supporting character never got enough time even though they were only a supporting character (ex. Uta - I've seen fangirls / boys all over the place for Uta but there's no time in the anime for a purely Uta episode even if the writers, animators, and fans all wanted it) . There's even things about Kenaki that never get talked about in the anime because of time.
  12. Garlic is supposed to help with worms.
  13. Maybe. But I think by the time the Sabrina franchise went to college, there were reviews going on at Archies Comics concerning their Morals Codes in general. Properties like Sabrina [and Casper and Hot Stuff although they never really went anywhere with him] had a fair amount of leeway in what they could get away with due to their supernatural backgrounds but the Morals Code was a really strict piece of work that honestly killed earlier attempts to do the same with Riverdale as with Sabrina - prime time it. So with the Morals Code under review and rewrite, more things that would have been denied were being allowed slowly but surely. You can only thrive so long basing everything you do on a strict interpretation of a fictional 50's society that only exists in old white guys' heads.
  14. Yeah, that doesn't sound too great. Hopefully that's all it is, rumors. Plus....
  15. But....you would have gotten the friend payment of one warm pepsi product found on the dashboard of someone's car!
  16. Sweet. This means I can call you to like move furniture and crap for me, right?
  17. I'm looking forward to it. I'm not the type of person who absolutely has to have a 'happy ending' in every series watched or read but there were too many dangling strings at the end of Root A for there not to be plans, however tentative, to continue through the series.
  18. Wait, was this in Iowa? It sounds like there was a bowel obstruction. Idiot cut the dog's guts open. You don't cut open a bowel unless you are surgically trained to do that and in a sterile environment. Otherwise death is the only result. http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/crime-and-courts/2017/06/23/ames-woman-suspected-killing-dog-during-home-surgery/424006001/
  19. whut EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW :barf:
  20. whut EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW :barf:
  21. Yeah, then that's bad form. A gift would have changed that slightly but no gift means pure mooch. The go-between should have known better too.
  22. Yeah, then that's bad form. A gift would have changed that slightly but no gift means pure mooch. The go-between should have known better too.
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