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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. Well, dang. I was hoping for an evening of greedy grabbing by a certain monkey-faced thief since I tend to fall asleep near the end of any given episode and have to rewatch it in Japanese. I suppose watching a giant blob eat everything in sight will have to do.
  2. I want mine decked out like the Batgirl cycle from the 1960's series.
  3. They have to be specially made. But every funeral home knows how to get one if it's needed. In the past, it was usually just a piano crate with a paint job.
  4. whut I think I'll stick to Jello when I'm craving Jello and it'll be the red jello.
  5. It's extremely unlikely that it would be a Samurai Jack marathon. It's too soon after the last Saturday marathon for that even if they want to pimp the complete series for holiday shoppers. Hunter x Hunter is a good possibility since it's possible to get a good chunk of an arc in and people would still know what's going on no matter when they tune in. Lupin is also high on the list since there hasn't been a Lupin marathon, they really wanted the series and most of the episodes can stand alone so it's not like it has to start and end on a particular one. This would depend on what the contract says though - do they have it for a set period of time or a set amount of airings.
  6. He would have lied about his age and been bitching about how no one younger than 12 was on it.
  7. It was a spider bite. Itchy.
  8. He spends all his time in a wetsuit as a weird surrogate fetus for an EVA. Unless Pen-Pen got him...
  9. Yeah, a lot of the time it's all about the above. I'm not going to say that fugg's friend isn't one of the very rare few that actually have a medical issue causing stuff but I've seen too many people cruising around in their motorized barca loungers sucking away on pop and sweating burger grease.
  10. It's in your sig. You are totally a dancing Velma.
  11. The cornucopia is a never ending black hole that just takes any old thing in. ... JOKE DONE. No need to go any further. It's been posted now. You're welcome, fuggs.
  12. True story, a bee got into my room in college. I killed the damn thing with extreme prejudice, stuck it's head on a toothpick and put the toothpick in the plant pot in the window. I didn't have another bee in my room the rest of the summer.
  13. My boobs glow in the dark. So if I wanted to see pasty white flab, I could always just go flash myself. ::: >
  14. Brush your cat and stuff the fur into wherever the mice might be getting through? It might cause them to reconsider the area at least.
  15. I have a number of different places I can order from if I'm feeling lazy and don't feel like getting frozen pizzas from the store. With all the coupons and online incentive sales, I can usually get more than enough food for several days for under $20 even with delivery charges.
  16. Dodged another bullet then. S: >
  17. Meh, the only good thing about that day is the store is closed and we will not reopen until Friday morning near the usual time. I'll probably do what I did last year since it actually turned out. I'll roast a duck and have that with some stuffing, a chocolate mousse for desert and peach cider. And watch whatever is on tv or pop in a movie, whichever my laziness picks.
  18. They do. They just know to charge zeni extra to deal with the sad no matter what he orders.
  19. I'd be a stand up comedian. But I have bad knees.
  20. If it was '50 Shades of Fur' , I'm going to have to slap both you and whoever awarded you the MFA. >
  21. trololololololo
  22. Disappointed. You don't have 'Granny Thunder Panties' as it's own category. So much troll vote on that one it would be hilarious.
  23. Give him a direct shot at your neck. Your house is lost. Tell the insurance company it was a spider-induced electrical fire.
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