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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. Meh, if you have to go the quick Dollar Store route, didn't they have sprays? Pit stick always seems to be a no-win if it's a random $1 grab. Even if you don't normally care for pit spray, at least it won't leave power sludge behind.
  2. I so hope that the next person from the boards that has the misfortune to see you in person blasts you with Preparation H just to see if you'll disappear.
  3. I see they found a use for parts of the sets for 'Ready Player One' .
  4. I believe posts in DF are completely nulled to keep people from using that area as a personal points builder considering some threads just turn into shooting galleries for the lols.
  5. My suggestion was legit. I just couldn't remember if it was Yu-Gi-Uh or Magic that he had said he liked in the past. He's looking for a friend environment and a tournament would be full of people interested in the same game which would be a good starting point.
  6. <.< >.> Bwahahaha! You thought it was StarPanda but it was really me! Dio!
  7. You are actually 13.
  8. Bad Phillies. Anime is for eyeballs, not heroin. And yep, WalMart has anime. It's not exactly a spectacular selection at any given time but I'm guessing whoever is doing their purchasing for them has a fairly free reign because I picked up both seasons of Tokyo Ghoul, I think I saw Kill La Kill [but it was blue ray] , and I'm pretty sure Akame Ga Kill was there [also blue ray] along with a DBZ Kai, Sailor Moon Crystal, and Black Butler.
  9. I could have sworn I saw that exact thing for far less at WalMart Thursday. Full series often cost more because it's the full series and you are paying for the convenience of the full series at once. If you are willing to risk it though, you can wait awhile and other places are bound to start carrying it too or it'll be re-rereleased in a cheaper set as part of an 'Anime Classics' thing [depends on who owns the rights naturally] . Things like Evangelion however are almost always going to be retardedly priced because people will continue to pay for the retarded prices. And then they'll just fart out another re-piecing of it with an additional 3 seconds of dubbing and people will buy that one too.
  10. A lot of the high prices were initially due to it being such a niche market that they could charge whatever they wanted and there would be people who would pay it because they didn't have many other options. Now, prices have gone down significantly like others have pointed out. Prices that may still seem high are likely due to whatever company doing the dubbing trying to make a little back for their costs.
  11. You can get them at craft stores now. In both regular and 'glow in the dark' varieties. I've been threatening to stick a pair of them over the urinal in the men's for awhile now.
  12. -.-; So sorry you have to deal with this sort of thing. Some 'adults' are never adult. They live for the dramas and abuses because that's all they've known and the idea of changing that scares them. Sometimes you just need to run and never look back.
  13. No you won't.
  14. I think that's done partially to keep things impartial. Some people might not be able to afford getting something all bound so this way, everyone hands in their work as their work and not as something wrapped in fancy. ...get it bound after it's all done. <.< >.>
  15. Liar. You also want to steal all my action figures.
  16. Pumpkin spice : more toxic than being in an enclosed room on Taco Tuesday. >
  17. 'That's not a baby hippo! That's Roger's fat ass! There's been many a morning when I've woken up to that thing floating over mine bowl.'
  18. :D Puffed rice wasn't so bad. It was one of the main cereals my great grandparents kept on hand but you could put as much sugar and freshly skimmed sweet cream on it that you wanted which actually made it decent. Now generic corn flakes was a sign that you were an unwanted child and everyone hates you. Especially when the sugar bowl would disappear. Like trying to eat a bowl full of muppet skin.
  19. I blame the citizens of Bedrock and their insatiable cravings for bronto ribs.
  20. They evolved into poodles. Monkey fluffing poodles. whut
  21. My condolences. There are some things that you can't prepare for. Even if you are expecting it, the news still ends up feels new and unreal. Take time for yourself, hang out with real life friends, celebrate the life that was. And give yourself permission to cry when the thaw happens.
  22. The holes slowly collide into each other, desperately inhaling the external matter of the other until they merge into a singularity. ...that sounds like a horrible attempt by Bill Nye to write a pron. -.-;
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