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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. I've seen a quote/meme floating around that I agree with 100% that basically covers this particular load of crap. 'If you get a fancy coffee at $5 per 5 days a week, that's $25 a week. So if you decide to stop getting that fancy coffee and save that money instead, you'll save $100 a month, that's $1200 a year. In ten years, you'll have saved $12000. Which is still no where near the hell enough to buy a house. Enjoy your coffee instead - it's what's getting you through things now.' As for anyone that thinks there's a 'peace deal' in the works for Ukraine/Russia guess again. Any such 'deal' will consist of Ukraine being given 24 hours to submit info that Joe Biden is secretly the Lex Luthor of Europe and stole the 2020 election from the Great Lard followed by all funding being pulled regardless of what the answer to that demand is so that Putin can finish cleansing the land and Princess Tinyhands can get a hotel named after him in Moscow.
  2. me - welp, my sense of smell is completely gone now. devil flerkin - *runs to the litter box and does a 10 pound ass blast from a 5 pound frame me - I'M NOT DEAF!
  3. [ but yes, Odin is correct - salt it ]
  4. Must be a really slow day in dumpsternews land if they went full out on him. For all anyone really knows [ devil's advocate time ], the voices in his head told him the only way to draw attention to the mental health crisis was to be as extreme as possible about it because that was his personal cause when he wasn't spiraling. If any Drumpf supporters had offed themselves after the 2020 election [ idiots on the Capital on Jan 6th need not apply ], would that have made major news? Or just been left at a local level? We already know that when they go on a shooting rampage, all that happens is 'thoughts and prayers' and comments that shootings happen, learn to deal with it.
  5. It's not necessarily 'wrong' to celebrate the death of someone horrible. It's wrong if you make it a national holiday to revisit the 'joy' of someone horrible finally going to hell. Think of it like the thread that popped up when Pat Robertson finally took that bobsled ride to the firey side. People showed up, posted their horrible memes, said good riddance and now that thread is floating around somewhere unbothered by new posts because its not worth it.
  6. Haley is back on the boards because she was the only one that could get his pants to not show the diaper before he'd go in front of the media and shit himself. I'm waiting to see Burgum get the brush off he deserves. He's supposedly in the running for 'a half dozen' different cabinet positions which honestly translates for me as 'you have no real obvious skills at anything so we'll list a bunch of crap to see if you'll give piggy shitzenpants more money before we forget you actually exist'.
  7. Yeah, but it has no 'I'll let you warm your feet in my buttcrack' or 'I sometimes dress up like Shirley Temple and spank myself with a hockey stick'.
  8. If it makes anyone feel better, large chunks of those demographics will be lost to both parties if any of Drumpf's wishlist items are passed alongside the sort of wishlist item certain other members of his cult want. Can't vote if you've been swept up and tossed into a concentration camp/'deported' for not looking 'American' or if all your rights have been pulled because your gender now requires a master to give you marching orders. Third possibility - Fatboy goes tits up but his higher level cult members immediately canonize him and claim that he's personally left a million notes for the running of the country for the next 100 years that will be 'revealed' when needed. Since he's on the record as wanting to get rid of the Constitution because it hurts his fee-fees, will be a dictator on day one, and people will 'never have to vote again', there's that possibility of those able to survive his stench using it to stay in charge of things.
  9. A cybertruck?
  10. Somewhere there is a large lumpy overcoat with a mustache attached to it just waiting to be moved to grave in a golf course...
  11. I'm dealing with an intermittent 103'F fever right now and was posting something from a thumb-twaddle device instead of the computer before turning over and twitching for a couple of hours. I'm doing the slightly lucid thing right now so you'll have to bare with me. In my mind I was referring to this editorial attachment more than anything - 'Absolutely disgusting to see this kind of thing in Europe. Its sadly not a surprise though. There have been warnings for years about the rising tide of antisemitism and Islamist teachings in Europe. This is what happens when that goes unchecked.' To me this seems like saying that if the 'others' are in an area [ in this case Muslims in Europe ] that automatically means anti-something - in this case antisemitism. Did these dipshits target Jewish fans? Yes. They probably attacked a few non-Jewish people in the process because the point of being that type of dipshit is to create as much chaos as possible.
  12. In the news, soccer hooligans go after each other and it's totally racial.
  13. And....it's not the flu. It's covid. This sucks.
  14. Too much stress in the air and now I've got a nasty case of the flu. The kitten is trying to make me feel better but she's a face hugger. I need to breath, flerkin!
  15. I think that everyone is too optimistic that he'd just wander into the sunset on his own if promised a pardon from his VP. One of the many horrible 'firsts' he'll do is pardon himself of all the things to ensure that everyone thinks he's so great and powerful. And then he'll see how much other horrible shit he can executive twit at 3a because of that whole 'total immunity' debacle unless the 'No Kings Act' gets passed between now and January. Which is unlikely since they've defrosted McConnell to do the usual 'we aren't going to do a single thing that gives those dems an advantage!' shtick.
  16. I think there's still a small castle somewhere in Sweden that's part and parcel of the whole family thing. But I don't feel like being part of a monarchy. It sounds like it would seriously cut into my 'Naruto Shippuden' binge watching. So I'll be looking for a Captain America costume from Wish and go from there.
  17. And they absolutely never ever wrote the exact procedures for impeaching a President ever ever. Nope nope nope. I predict that Dumpster will declare himself lord and master of all the thing between 10-midnight when most of the small, more likely republican voting counties have been made official during the red mirage time. He'll be shitting himself on every possible media in the morning once the larger areas and early/mail-ins start to be officially entered into the totals. He's already got people filing lawsuits all over the place for election fraud which at this point is defined as 'you didn't vote for ME!'. And since I can't drink and adapt to whatever drugs I'm given [ ask me how fast I blitzed the Novocain this time for the crown prepping at the dentist >.< ] I have to deal with all this crap sober so I'm going to bed kinda early and putting the tv on a timer on cartoons. Shouldn't have cheered when Obama was denied a SCOTUS pick for MONTHS and then Farting Cheet-O/Hidden Adderall was handed a third pick within 2 weeks of the election due to RBG passing away that was 'mysteriously' pushed through immediately.
  18. This is an insult to MS Paint. I do great things on MS Paint. Special K is a bougie cornflakes cereal so have at that though.
  19. There is exactly one person in the area that has one - I've seen it a couple of times. The urge to slap a 'Warning : Driver Applying Make-Up' bumpersticker on it grows with every sighting...
  20. List of Songs by Weird Al That I Have to Make Sure The Windows Are Shut While They Play 1. Let Me Be Your Hog 2. Wanna B Ur Lovr 3. Do I Creep You Out 4. My Own Eyes 5. If That Isn't Love 6. Confessions Part III 7. Truck Driving Song
  21. Two words - 'eating pets'. Since that angle was shot down by even the republicans of the state, they have to scramble for a new pet story to pretend to care about.
  22. HEY! That paste was surprisingly delish. It had a sort of weird mint after taste that I still have a taste memory of. They changed the formula. But I think it still crusts on clothing like the worst case of snots ever. And this has been your moment of 'Why Does katt Know This Horrible Sh*t'. We now return you to your regular scheduled discussion of 'Why Does Everything Dumpster Touch Smell Like Sh*t'.
  23. Maybe if it was Moose and Squirrel?
  24. I honestly don't think I've ever been in one. The only TGIFridays I've ever had was those mystery microwave appetizers that work as a quick food substitute. When I'm not feeling like nuking something else.
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