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Juice McKenzie

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Everything posted by Juice McKenzie

  1. of fuck i didn't know it was called that honestly, i want to blast people's food with it when they ask for salt
  2. they have a shotgun that shoots salt at them i can't think of a more fun way to kill a fly than that
  3. It was the most I ever threw up and it changed my life forever.
  4. Or a female bloodhound and name her Ladybird
  5. Now you just need a pet to name Bobby so when it misbehaves you can say dang it, Bobby or that *insert pet here* aint right
  6. not for this bitch
  7. not when you're alone and introverted it doesn't.
  8. that's me most of the time
  9. A pretty huge dick :^) I'm sorry
  10. that's true as hell
  11. I still wish I was bigger Not big where you can't physically get hard because your body can't pump that much blood into it but big enough where people would see it and nod in approval.
  12. I went to one a few months ago to get some bubble envelopes. I remember going there a lot as a kid though
  13. I like them big, I like them small, I like them all.
  14. weren't you just complaining about gaining weight?
  15. do you guys play meta decks or just fun shit
  16. you couldn't stop to say hello? rude.
  17. you play yugioh?
  18. i can't compete with that
  19. what if they're referring to their penis?
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