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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. Thanks I hate it.
  2. Thanks I didn't know I needed this.
  3. This was such a long winded way of patting yourself on the back for this... classic you.
  4. You should do a review video.
  5. @crackymckrackin Since when do you have decent enough internet for this to be relevant?
  6. What the hell is LWC? I know what BBC stands for, I happen to like those.
  7. Speaking as someone with clinical OCD, I can't even go to sleep without the door locked and usually checking it at least 3 times. Sometimes I can cope to get away with just locking it the first time though.
  8. I was not aware that this was a thing that people did, but why am I not surprised.
  9. Oh ok so more like Waco then.
  10. The difference is Heaven's Gate cut their testicles off before their suicide pact, Jonestown just drank the coolaid.
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven's_Gate_(religious_group) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonestown
  12. At least he's a man of God.
  13. You are like the antithesis of a liar, no filter at all. Good Grief Charlie Brown.
  14. Are we planning the Heaven's Gate route here or Jonestown? I'd prefer to keep my balls intact til the end kthnx.
  15. Me: Got arrested by the Fashion Police for wearing those outdated pants I love one too many times in public.
  16. Did you get banned from your main account while I was absent?
  17. I've not seen the inside of a Chile's in years, it's just what it reminded me of.
  18. It looks like re-purposing from a chile's going out of business...
  19. Well that's a shame. I love gritty amateur pornography especially ones starring black men.
  20. Oh no... this decor is tragic.
  21. Do Sports Teams, and Boy Scout camps count? Between that and the sexual escapades probably around 80ish. I have nothing to be ashamed of though and no shame in particular regarding my body anyways. If we are talking about sexual involvement only, the number is at 5 now because I'm a good boy and not a whore.
  22. That's hot. Do you have a copy?
  23. Perhaps you left the server by accident, it showed you as having left a while back which I thought was strange. Anyways I sent you a new link that should be permanent in a PM on here, so check your messages there. @zombieninjakitten
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